Writing the Perfect Business Email with ChatGPT to generate Leads

Whether promoting Affiliate Products or bringing in B2B leads, Email is still a powerful Marketing tool. With a small investment of time and creativity, you can achieve excellent results with the right tone of voice. 

And now AI Tools like ChatGPT help you convert your lead into a paying customer at lightning speed.

But then again, it’s not like a simple command such as: ‘write mail about product X to customer Y‘ will get you an email that is readable on the one hand and will lead to revenue on the other. Most likely, ChatGPT (or alternative AI Tool) will generate a rather generic, long-winded email that will be moved to the Spam Inbox with most people.

Even before the introduction of AI, there were already plenty of mediocre marketers who would send such emails.

So to have a readable, compelling email created by ChatGPT, you will have to use a combination of creativity and knowledge of your target audience in your command prompt. 

If you do that, the sky is the limit. And in this article, I’ll show you how.

I’m going to show what your main focus should be in your text (hint: the reader, not you), what not to do and of course what kind of prompts to use in ChatGPT to get the most of the AI Tool in creating near perfect Sales Emails.

What not to do in an email

So, first of all, knowing what not to do is often as important as knowing what to do. And in that regard email marketing is no different.  How can you convince someone to buy your service or product? Well, at least not by sending long-winded pieces of text. And/or a text that totally fails to focus on the pain/need of the reader.

Recently, for example, I was sent the following email:

Dear Bart,

Like us, do you also get so enthusiastic about positive customer experiences? 

We are company X and have over 20 years of experience in Customer Relations and Loyalty Marketing. We work with motivated employees and data-driven software and methods. 

Among other things, we offer a wide range of Social Media Posts and Email Automation that we have become quite adept at.

etc etc.

This went on for a few more paragraphs. Do you notice a few things? I did.

First, what exactly does positive customer experience mean? Of course I want satisfied customers, but this doesn’t really tell me anything yet.

Secondly, almost everything in their email was about what great things they could do and mastered. But there was nothing in it about ME. Did they understand what pain or need I have? Nope, nothing of the sort.

At the very least, they could have written how their services would make me money, or save time. But not even that.

There is a Marketing Saying about this: ‘ Nobody cares about you or your product’

So make sure your potential customer knows YOU care about his or her problems. And can offer a solution to these.

And with regards to ChatGPT, if you just type in a simple prompt asking to write a sales email you will get a generic piece of content that doesn’t have your Target Audience in Mind.

I tested an example, as you can see here. The end result isn’t that bad at all. But it isn’t very exciting either.

Know Your Customer or Lead

After knowing now what not to do, the second step is to actually make a small list beforehand that you can use to type in excellent and workable prompts for ChatGPT.

It doesn’t have to be a long list, but think of things like:

  1. – Who exactly is your target audience? Is it Managers, Millenials, people in the workplace, users? Etc.
  2. – What are their biggest pain points, needs and concerns?
  3. – What exactly does your product/service do?
  4. – And how does it solve your customer’s pain points and concerns?
  5. – Are there further benefits (aka USPs) of your product for the customer?
  6. – What Tone of voice is most appropriate with this customer?

If you briefly compile this list before you start, you have already taken a big step towards generating a converting Sales Email. After all, you now know what information, among other things, you need to include in your prompt that you will soon type into ChatGPT.

Again, make sure here that your target audience’s need is central.

First Example: Writing a great cold sales email in the Saas Industry

To make it easier, I will give some examples of prompts and emails that you can customise and use as you wish.

Starting with a fictional Saas company whose target audience is IT Managers. We will briefly go down the list and then type a prompt that ChatGPT can work with.

Target audience: IT managers from mid-sized to large companies.

Pain/Need : Their Legacy Systems ( professional term for old software and equipment) are so old that there are delays in production. But a full Upgrade can cause a major disruption.

My Product : My Software optimises existing Legacy Systems, without risk of disruption.

Further USP: The optimisation saves time, increases production and therefore revenue

Tone of voice: friendly and polite

How do we get this into a clear, readable email? By typing the following prompt in the command bar:

Imagine I’m working as a email marketer for a Saas company. I want you to write a cold sales email to IT manager working for midsized to big companies. Their main problem is their old Legacy Systems, which are causing delays in production. But a full upgrade can cause a major disruption. My software only optimizes the existing Legacy Systems without that risk. With the added bonus of increased production and more revenue. Use a friendly and polite tone of voice.

And this is the end result:

A crisp, clear email with the needs of the reader at the forefront. Now, I would still edit some parts, like the ‘hope this email finds you well’ part. But in the end within only a couple of minutes you will have a good sales email.

Second Example: Writing a great cold email promoting affiliate links

Let’s create a 2nd example. This time something different, let’s use the Affiliate Marketing approach.

We are going to promote to novice Affiliate Marketers with a small budget Canva Pro (the paid Image Editor).

Target group: Beginning Niche Site builders and Affiliate Marketers

Pain/Need: They want to create beautiful content, however, they do not yet have the budget for more expensive software like Adobe Photoshop

My Solution: Canva Pro, an easy-to-understand and easy-to-use Design Tool for only $10 a month

Additional USP: Unlimited access to a huge video and image library, for both private and business use

Tone of voice: friendly and enthusiastic

My Prompt would be:

Do you know Canva Pro? Imagine I’m an affiliate marketer trying to promote affiliate links to Canva Pro. Write a sales email promoting Canva. The target audience are beginning Niche website builders and Affiliate Marketers with a small budget who want to create visual content,  but who can’t afford expensive tools like Adobe Photoshop yet. Use a friendly and enthusiastic tone of voice

And again you get a nice, crisp email. As you can see, I didn’t mention the additional USP: Unlimited Access to an image/video library. ChatGPT did that research already for me, which is quite convenient.  

Writing a Followup Email:

Ok, we have now reached 2 target audiences for 2 different products. How do we create a follow-up e-mail?

For convenience sake, let’s assume that they have read your mail but have not yet taken any action. You do want to keep it short, no need to explain everything again.

Then you could type the prompt at the Saas company example:

Imagine that this email has been read by this IT-manager, but no action has been taken. Write a 100 word followup email asking for a short sales call. 

Closing the lead after the sales call:

And a variation in which there has already been contact with the lead? Of course I can give you one! 

You can type the following prompt into ChatGPT:

I’ve just had a short salescall with the IT-manager, who’s ready to convert. Write a 100 word followup mail to close the deal

And have the following result.

And the last advice: experiment with your tone of Voice.

And a final tip: try to vary your tone of voice. You can order as I showed to have friendly, polite, professional or enthusiastic people write the mail. But more variations are possible. For example, you can apply in the tone of celebrities, like the King here.

write a short thank you mail in the tone of voice of elvis presley

And of course this is hilariously funny, but realize that there are so many ways to make your texts a little more unique.


I have enjoyed experimenting with different texts and commands to get the best results from ChatGPT.

The examples I have given above will certainly help you further, but above all, don’t forget to vary the different prompts yourself.

In addition, consider the following:

  • Keep an eye on who you are writing the mail for and, above all, how you can help THEM
  • Edit your emails where necessary, the recipient should always have the idea that you are writing uniquely for him and that he is a number
  • Use descriptive terms, so that you include the AI Tool in your thinking. Terms like Friendly, Professional, Enthusiastic etc.
  • And above all, keep experimenting and varying so that you let ChatGPT generate the best results.

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