Welcome to BartAffiliate.com: your journey into AI and Marketing

On this website, I want to take you on a journey. A journey on how best to use AI in an ethical, but at the same time effective way in your (affiliate) marketing activities and campaigns. Like most of you, I am a novice in the field of AI. Of course, I have heard of it before, having grown up with the Terminator movies and the Mass Effect Franchise. But I myself had not yet consciously used or applied it in my own day-to-day business.

That is now changing. I have already taken some exploratory steps myself to use AI in my various marketing activities, like a cautious Bambi on ice. I want to share the knowledge and experience I’ve gathered with you. So that you can apply Artificial Intelligence properly and effectively in your own Online Business. Whether it’s a blog, YouTube channel, ad campaigns or email marketing and what have you.

So, Welcome to my first blog post on bartaffiliate.com!

Why this blog site about AI and Affiliate Marketing

In short, I love writing, I am quite curious about new technology, such as AI. And I’ve been working as an Online Marketing Consultant for years and also earn a nice extra income with Affiliate Marketing.

My own journey to get to know AI technology better and use it in my own marketing campaigns is something I want to share with you. 

ChatGTP is the most famous AI at the moment and as you can see its servers can’t always handle the enormous traffic

On the one hand, in all honesty as a kind of diary so to speak, so that I can better keep track of my own progress. And on the other hand, I can give you the right tips to use AI in your own campaigns, no matter what kind of Online Business you have.

And what better way to help you than through an entertaining blog? (Youtube channel Pending)

Why BartAffiliate.com (Bartsguide.com)

Why the name bartaffiliate.com? Actually a bit of pure coincidence. I had created this domain a while ago for some affiliate campaigns. I was doubting for a while whether to create a totally new domain name, for example The AI Marketing Specialist. But I was actually too lazy. Bartaffiliate just about covers it. Besides, it’s all about the quality of the various blog articles.

A little bit of history here: I had set up a similar blog a few years earlier: bartsguide.com Here, I had the goal of sharing as much knowledge as possible in the field of (affiliate) marketing, online marketing, blogging, copywriting, you name it. 

But the problem here was that even though I myself thought the content was pretty good, it was a bit too broad regarding the target audience.  More on that later.

I had taken this website offline and sold the domain name back to the hosting company. I briefly looked at buying it back, but $2500.00 is a bit too expensive for a domain name. 

AI and Marketing

AI in marketing is actually not even that new. I know of copywriters who had to edit texts drafted by translation software years ago. However, the quality was not yet very good.

Google Translate, probably the most well known and used Translating AI Tool

Now the sky’s almost the limit. Whether it’s copywriting, keyword research, creation of videos and other imagery, AI has revolutionized marketing. Recently, there are several marketers who are able to quickly create a huge amount of content with the help of AI.

Whether this will hold up in the current way, I couldn’t say. I can imagine that Google is not eager for content that is made purely with AI, without almost any human input. But I also don’t know if they can address that in the near future.

Of course, not everything is possible yet, but AI makes sure that if you use it in the right way, productivity increases dramatically. And that’s where I want to be a guide for you.

Step by step instructions for AI Prompts

But how exactly do you use AI? How can you give commands that your AI tool understands and converts into the content you need? Content that is accurate, well-written and entertaining.

That’s where AI Prompts come in. Also called AI Prompt Engineering. In short, these are the commands you give to an AI Tool like the well-known ChatGTP. The tool then converts these into good content. Which in addition mostly looks or reads like it was created by humans and not machines.

I am now getting to grips with this myself and this is exactly what I want to teach you.

Ethical Affiliate Marketing

Another important part of my blog is: Ethical Affiliate Marketing. What exactly do I mean by ethical affiliate marketing? Well, not exactly that you have to be a teacher’s pet to start up honest campaigns.

But you create content that actually has your audience’s problems or needs in mind. And that you can offer an excellent solution in return. Next to that you offer and advertise products and services that you yourself can get behind.

I’ll go into more detail about this in a later blog post. And maybe this all sounds a bit too gloomy now. But realize that it is quite easy to provide honest, good information to your audience and also promote excellent products and services.

For example, if you have a YouTube channel focused on fitness tips, give good fitness tips. And sell fitness products that you would use yourself.

If you write a camping blog, provide articles with excellent information about the best camping spots, products that are useful and what you should and should not do in the wilderness. It’s not more than that.

Do you want to promote products directly through advertisements, for example? So without a major content strategy? That’s fine too, I’ve done that myself. Some in the affiliate marketing world believe that you should only promote products that you have purchased and used yourself.

I’m not that strict about it myself. But I can strongly advise you to do good research in advance. Is the seller a reliable party? Are there online reviews and if so, what is the average review score?

For example, the Trustpilot.com website is very suitable for checking the quality of online courses, for example, before you start promoting them.

What other topics will I write about?

AI can be used in almost every aspect of Online and Affiliate Marketing, I will highlight these as well.

Well, the name of this blog is BartAffiliate. So initially, my focus will be in offering the most up-to-date information on AI and Marketing.

But over time, I will certainly not forget the other things you need to set up an online business. Like Social Media, time management and productivity tips, how to deal with questions and criticism from your audience. And the already old but super important question: how to find the ideal niche! In short, the following topics:

  • Everything about Affiliate Marketing
  • Online Marketing guides and tutorials
  • Finding your niche
  • Time management and productivity tips
  • Easy to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips
  • General Online Business Tips
  • Customer Support
  • And much, much more!


This in a nutshell is what this blog will help you with in the time to come: How to use AI for your (affiliate) marketing purposes as soon as possible. Whether for research purposes on possible blog topics, writing the actual articles, creating video and everything else you can do with AI in your marketing campaigns.

In my first next blog article, I will go deeper into AI Prompts and how to master them. 


On this website, I want to take you on a journey. A journey on how best to use AI in an ethical, but at the same time effective way in your (affiliate) marketing activities and campaigns.