Unlock the Power of Persuasive CTAs with Google’s Bard

A great CTA (Call to Action) is the vital and sometimes final piece in order to convert a lead into a paying customer. With the help of an AI Tool like Google’s Bard it is now more easier than ever to create attractive CTAs that your visitors can’t wait to click on. In this article we explain how.

We will explain:

  • How to get a list of CTA buttons for a webshop
  • Getting CTA’s for a Social Media Ad
  • Getting people to subscribe to a newsletter
  • About CTA’s on a specific Landing Page
  • Getting leads to sign up for a live demo

I’ve copied the prompts from my earlier article on how to create CTA’s with help of ChatGPT (which you can find here). And those prompts work just as well in Bard. I’ve tweaked the examples slightly.

And as with ChatGPT, with Google Bard you want to offer as much information on your goals, needs and target audience as possible to get the best results from your prompts.

CTA: small but vital Marketing Tool

A CTA, or Call to Action, is often the final call to your target audience for a specific action. It is a term used primarily in online marketing and affiliate marketing.

There are many possible CTAs in marketing, such as:

  • A CTA button on your webshop urging your visitors to buy
  • A CTA button on your webshop urging your visitors to ad a product to their cart
  • Getting people to sign up for your newsletter
  • Getting people to download a whitepaper (a common lead generation technique in B2B marketing)
  • Point your target audience to a particular, short-term discount
  • Getting people to sign up for a live demo/webinar
  • And much, much more

A good CTA should look inviting and clear and concise. For more information on CTA’s and AI, read this article.

Getting a list from Bard of all possible CTA’s for a webshop

First thing first, we want to create a list of as many possible CTA’s you can use on your webshop and in marketing, as a starting point.

So in the Bard search/chat box type in the following template:

I want to build a new webshop. What are examples of CTA buttons I should place on my webshop? Examples like: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Discount Here’

And get these results:

If you want more, you can always ask Bard to generate a couple more:

Can you generate as more CTA’s as possible to use in online marketing?

And Bard will give a lot more CTA options.

Getting CTA’s for a Social Media Ad from Bard

Running ads on Social Media to get leads, traffic or sales? Bard can help as well. The different Social Media platforms, such as Facebook (Meta) or LinkedIn will offer their own CTA’s. But you also want to use your own CTA’s, in both the text and the image/video, to convert traffic into customers.

For this I use the following template (you of course are welcome to test and edit this where needed to suit your own needs):

I am the [Online Marketer] for a [ type of company]. We sell [ product or service]. Our main audience are [your target audience]. We’re running an ad on [ Social Media Platform] to [goal of your ad]. Can you generate 5 converting CTA’s for this ad?

In this example I am the online marketeer of a fictional Saas company selling reporting/accounting software to CFO’s and Financial Managers. To reach my target audience I’m running a LinkedIn campaign with the goal of getting as many whitepaper downloads (and their contact information) as possible. These are the results:

Getting people to subscribe to a newsletter with a Bard generated CTA

Email campaigns and newsletters are still excellent ways to reach your target audience and sell your products/services. For instance I work for one client where I got the monthly revenue from the newsletters from $400 to $6000 per month, by putting more time and energy into good emails. But in addition, making sure that the number of subscribers had increased significantly.

So here we want a good CTA to encourage your visitors to sign up for your newsletter and give you their email address.

You can use the following template:

I am the [online marketer] for a [type of company]. We sell [product or service]. Our main audience are [your target audience]. We want more subscribers for our newsletter. We offer [incentive] to each new subscriber. Can you generate 5 CTA’s to use on our website?

In this example I am the online marketer of a new fitness blog. Our main audience are middle aged males in the US. Our incentive is a free PDF with diet advice. So let’s see what Bard will generate for us:

The result are ok, but I want more options, so I type in:

Can you generate 5 more? And focus more on signing up for the newsletter?

These are better, but not quite perfect. You can either ask Bard for more examples. Or Use these CTA texts and edit them to better suit your needs.

Getting Bard generated CTA’s for a specific Landing Page

You may already have a couple of good CTA’s for your website with the first prompt. But maybe you need a couple for a specific landingpage. In my ChatGPT guide on CTA’s I’ve used a Black Friday landingpage as an example, but let’s use something different here.

In this case I own a niche site website for drone enthusiasts. But I want more attention to my Guide For Beginners page. So let’s get Bard to work on that. So I type in:

I am the owner of a niche website for drone enthusiasts. I’ve created a new landingpage called: Drones for Beginners. I want to place a couple of CTA’s on my homepage linking to that landingpage. Can you generate 5 clickbaity CTA’s that would entice beginners?

These are great to start with, but a little bit on the long side. So I ask Bard to generate 5 more, but this time shorter:

Can you generate 5 more CTA’s? But make them shorter this time

Much better, as you can see.

Getting leads to sign up for a live demo with a Google Bard CTA

Live Demo’s and Webinars are excellent marketing tools to convince your leads to become paying customers, especially in B2B marketing and Affiliate Marketing.

You can use a template like this:

I am the [online marketer] for [ type of company]. We sell/promote [product or service]. My audience are [your target audience]. I’m giving an Online Webinar to promote [your product or service] to my target audience. Can you generate 5 great CTA’s which will make them sign up?

Now in this example I want to use it as an affiliate marketer, so I am tweaking this prompt slightly. So I type in:

I am the online marketer for an affiliate marketing website. We promote Canva Pro, the online graphic design tool. My main audience are beginner affiliate marketers who need an easy to use and affordable tool for their marketing needs. I’m giving an Online Webinar to promote Canva Pro to my target audience. Can you generate 5 great CTA’s which will make them sign up?

Again, you are free to edit and experiment this to your heart’s content. 

These are the results:

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