Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

You can use AI Tools like ChatGPT to create almost any type of content for you. And this also applies to improving the texts your LinkedIn profile. In this article, I will show you how, in a few steps, you can optimise the texts and job discription on your LinkedIn profile in such a way that you will stand out from your competition. And you and your services will resonate with your ideal target audience.

Among other things, I will teach you 

  • How to pop out your existing info, experience etc
  • And how to research the ideal title for your LinkedIn profile

This article is the second part in a series about using AI in your Social Media. You can find part 1 here.

The Importance of LinkedIn for your branding and career

LinkedIn is the most widely used HR and B2B social media platform worldwide. Whether you want to brand yourself for B2B (Business to Business) clients, as a freelancer, consultant or you are looking for a new permanent job, LinkedIn is an excellent medium to get results.

But for this, you will have to put in some time to optimize your profile, make it as attractive as possible. If you search around a bit in your connections on LinkedIn, you will come across many generic profiles, with boring, meaningless photos and texts. And the occasional one that stands out. 

You want your profile to stand out as well on LinkedIn.

To give a good example: a friend of mine works as a very successful freelance copywriter. Normally, I would advise such an entrepreneur to create a portfolio website in addition to LinkedIn (and other Social Media) to make it easier to bring in clients. However, he does not need it. He has made his LinkedIn profile so attractive, combined with listing reputable clients in the ‘experience’ section such as Nintendo that clients approach him for work through that platform. He doesn’t really need to do anything himself in terms of acquisition anymore.

Now, you cannot always expect to have huge, appealing clients in your portfolio that will attract other leads to you. Nor is that necessary, but at least make sure your profile is optimized and attractive.

In a later blog, I will delve much deeper into what you need to do to improve your profile, even without the help of AI.

In this article, we are going to improve your LinkIn profile using ChatGPT.

Step 1: Copy paste your title, info, experience and education

Ok, let’s get started! The first step is to copy/paste all relevant info from your profile into a temporary document. For example, in Word or Google Docs.

This info is:

  • Your title (for me it’s on Experienced All-round Freelance Online Marketer | Available) 
  • Your info (also called your ‘about’ section) 
  • Your experience. Any relevant jobs and jobs you can demonstrate
  • Training

Place these temporarily in a document, check if everything is correct or if some information is duplicated, etc.

And that will look like this:

Then select the whole text and copy it (type Copy + C) 

Step 2: the assignment to ChatGPT

OK, and now we want to put ChatGPT to work. First, we need a prompt that ChatGPT understands and will run.

Briefly state your job title, who your ideal client is (or if you are looking for work, who your ideal employer is), in what industry and also company size. In addition, also provide the tone of voice that suits your personal branding. 

I gave the following command: 

I work as a freelance All Round Online marketeer, specialised in SEO and social media campaigns. Mostly experience working for small to mid sized Saas companies. Could you update my LinkedIn profile?

You can find my LinkedIn profile, title, info and experience here. Use an enthusiastic and authorative tone of voice.

Then type SHIFT + ENTER so that you get to the next line, without ChatGPT already starting to work.

And then use CTRL + V to insert your complete profile text from the earlier document.

I got the following example:

Step 3: Check and edit the text

Look through the text. I myself am reasonably satisfied with the final result. But ChatGTP does not always give the best version the first try.

So check for spelling and style errors and read through the text for readability. Are there things you want to improve?

In this example, I want my text rewritten for a more conservative target audience. And for that, I give the prompt:

My audience is mainly somewhat more conservative and polite companies. Can you rewrite the text in the info portion like that?

And so can you. Do you want your text hip and happening, aimed at cool startups? Instruct ChatGPT for such a tone of voice.

Step 4: optimize your Profile Title

Ok, we have now quite simply and quickly taken the texts in hand and improved them. For the titles, we want to put a bit more effort, as they will be the first to catch the eye of your potential target audience.

For this, I use a method I just learnt myself from the Remote Job Coach (found here) that works extremely well to help you with your thought process. I’ve tested these prompts and they’re excellent!.

For this, we won’t start working on your personal title right away, but want to do some research first.

Whether you are a consultant, entrepreneur or freelancer, you want to know where your target audience can find YOU best and fastest. And so we want to know what the best keywords are for you.

So type in the following prompt:

what are the main keywords used in job descriptions for an (your job) in the (your ideal industry or employer)

I typed in the following: 

what are the main keywords used in job descriptions for an online marketer in the Saas industry

And got:

Based on those keywords, we now want a cool, beautiful title to be generated by ChatGPT, and we do so with the following prompt:

Based on this, please use the following formula to create a linkedin headline using the top keywords: 

[Potential Job Role or Keyword for SEO] | I Help [Company Type or Client Type] do [ Key Performance Indicator ] by [ How You Accomplish Results]

Now we’re getting somewhere. This title sizzles and pops. And will be much more impressive than what most of your competition has to offer. But we still can do better.

So I type the following prompt:

can you add an impressive metric with numbers

Actually showing results is someone many client or employers are interested in. Ok. now we got a pretty impressive title.

But maybe you want a couple of more suggestions, to get the ultimate result.

So you type:

Can you generate 10 different versions based on the formula I gave you before?

And you will have 10 more results of excellent LinkedIn titles for your profile. 

With these tips ChatGPT really shines as an ideation/research tool. 


Et Voila! With these tips, you have both greatly improved your info/about me section and optimised the title of your LinkedIn Profile.

ChatGPT will help you immensely here by rewriting both your current text. And in such a way that it connects much more with your ideal target audience. Of course, I do advise you to read and edit this text carefully before posting it.

And for your title, the first thing people see of your LinkedIn Profile besides your photo, ChatGPT is again ideally suited to help you with the thinking and research. An excellent way to save time and increase your productivity

Bonus Tip:

Don’t forget to add the word ‘Available‘ in your title as well. Especially if you are working as a consultant, freelancer or looking for work. That way, potential employers, clients and recruiters can find you faster when they are looking for candidates.

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