The Top 10 Online Marketing Trends of 2023: Be Ready to Stay Ahead of the Game!

As I’m writing this it’s already April. AI has hit the Digital Marketing space like a bombshell. But what other major trends are we seeing and can we expect this year? From social media to SEO, PPC to influencer marketing, there are always new and tried tactics and strategies emerging to help businesses reach and engage with their target audience.

To help you stay ahead of the game, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 online marketing trends that are set to dominate in 2023. So, whether you’re a small business owner, affiliate marketer or a marketing professional, read on to discover the latest tactics and strategies that will help you achieve success in the digital world.

The Top 10 Online Marketing Trends of 2023

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the way we market online.
  2. Voice search optimization will become even more important.
  3. The rise of micro-influencers will continue.
  4. The use of video marketing will skyrocket.
  5. Personalization will become the norm in online marketing.
  6. Interactive content will become more prevalent.
  7. Social media will continue to be a vital component of online marketing.
  8. SEO will evolve to keep up with changing search behavior.
  9. The End of Google UA and Upgrade to Google 4
  10. Augmented Reality (AR) will take online marketing to the next level.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the way we market online

A simple but effective search for keywords in the drone niche with the help of ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the world of online marketing for a few years now, but in 2023, it has become even more important. AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Koala, Jasper and Midjourney AI and much, much more technologies like these will enable marketers to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data more effectively, and deliver highly personalized experiences and content to their customers.

At this moment AI can’t do everything, but it is a great tool to increase your productivity, as this article shows.

AI will also play a crucial role in chatbots, which are becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to provide customer support and engage with their audience. With AI-powered chatbots, businesses can provide instant support to their customers, 24/7, without the need for human intervention.

2. Voice search optimization will become even more important.

With the rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Siri and Google Home, voice search has become an increasingly important component of online marketing. In 2023, optimizing your content for voice search will be more important than ever.

To optimize for voice search, focus on natural language and long-tail keywords, and make sure your content is easy to read and understand. Also, consider this in a Q&A format, as this is the type of content that tends to rank well for voice search queries.

3. The rise of micro-influencers will continue.

This is the ‘old’ image you would have of an influencer, but you can find the perfect fit for any business or niche

Influencer marketing has been around for a while now, but in 2023, we’ll see a shift towards micro-influencers. These are influencers with smaller followings (typically between 1,000 and 10,000 followers) who have highly engaged audiences in specific niches.

Micro-influencers tend to have more authentic relationships with their followers, and their recommendations are often seen as more trustworthy than those of larger influencers. Businesses can reach highly targeted audiences and generate more meaningful engagement with their content working with these types of influencers.

One example was when I worked for a small Saas Company. We were invited to appear on the podcast of one the most influential Saas entrepreneurs in my country for a couple of times. He had a small following, but still many of those were potential clients for us.

4. The use of video marketing will skyrocket.

Wether a great ad, short info video or in this case my best performing video on Youtube, video is almost mandatory for digital marketers.

Where content is king, you could call Video Emperor. Video marketing has been a popular tactic for a while now, but in 2023, we’ll see even more businesses using video to engage with their audiences. Whether it’s short-form content for social media, long-form content for YouTube or lately Rumble, or interactive videos for e-commerce sites, video is a highly effective way to grab attention and convey complex messages.

With the rise of TikTok and other short-form video platforms, businesses will need to focus on creating highly engaging and shareable video content that resonates with their audience. They will also need to invest in the right tools and technologies to produce high-quality videos at scale.

Even today I am amazed how little many companies do with video.

5. Personalization will become the norm in online marketing.

As consumers become more sophisticated and demanding, personalization will become a key differentiator for businesses in 2023. By leveraging data and AI-powered tools, businesses can create highly personalized experiences that resonate with their audience and drive conversions.

Basically this means that you give each of your audience member or clients the feeling that you are personally talking to them, individual to individual.

Whether it’s personalized email campaigns, product recommendations, or website content, businesses that invest in personalization will be able to build stronger relationships with their customers and increase their lifetime value.

In short, I would highly advice on developing your Personal Brand.

6. Interactive content will become more prevalent.

Even a small survey on your website or social media can increase engagement

Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and surveys, has been growing in popularity in recent years, and in 2023, we’ll see even more businesses using interactive content to engage with their audience. Interactive content is a highly effective way to capture attention, increase engagement, and gather valuable data about your audience.

By using interactive content in your marketing campaigns, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience, which can help increase brand awareness and drive conversions.

As a B2B marketeer myself I have some great experience with this on for example LinkedIn. You can easily incite more engagement by posting a nice poll or suvery on your companies LinkedIn page, if it hits a nerve with your target audience.

7. Social media will continue to be a vital component of online marketing

Social Media remains a powerfull tool in marketing, but pick a platform that is specific to your niche.

Social media has been a vital component of online marketing for years, and in 2023, it will continue to play a key role in reaching and engaging with your audience. With billions of active users on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, businesses that don’t have a social media presence will be at a significant disadvantage.

To succeed on social media in 2023, you will still need to focus on creating highly engaging and shareable content, building strong relationships with their followers. And leveraging the latest social media trends and features to stay ahead of the competition. But be prepared to invest some money in Social Media Ads as well.

A caveat to this is to focus on Social Media that works for your specific company and where you can find your ideal customer.
Realize for instance that traffic and engagement on Facebook (Meta) has taken a nosedive, especially for Business Pages.
While LinkedIn on the other hand is perfect for most B2B marketing.

So do some research on what Social Media Platform is ideal for your particular business and focus on that platform.

8. SEO will evolve to keep up with changing search behavior.

Having a basic understanding of SEO should be part of your Online Marketing Strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been a key component of online marketing for years, but in 2023, we’ll see significant changes to the way SEO works. With the rise of voice search, AI-powered search algorithms, and other changes to search behavior, businesses will need to adapt their SEO strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

To succeed in SEO in 2023, businesses and affiliate marketers will need to focus on creating high-quality content that answers the questions their audience is asking, optimizing for long-tail keywords, and building high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites.

Now, every year bloggers, businesses and niche suite builders will lament the latest Google Update when they saw their traffic going down.
However, if you invest in even a basic understanding of SEO and the latest trends, you can stay ahead of the curve. And keep your avere monthly organic traffic intact or even see it increase.

9. The End of Google UA and Upgrade to Google 4.

On July 1st, 2023, Google UA will go the way of the Dodo and you need to upgrade to G4

For years, Google has used Universal Analytics (UA) to track and analyze website traffic. However, in 2023, Google will be phasing out UA and upgrading to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This new platform is designed to provide more granular data and insights into user behavior, allowing businesses to better understand their customers and optimize their online presence accordingly.

GA4 also features enhanced privacy controls, which will be increasingly important as privacy concerns continue to grow. With GA4, businesses will have more control over how they collect and use data, and they’ll be able to provide a better user experience while respecting their users’ privacy.

While this shift may require some adjustments for businesses that are used to using UA, it ultimately represents a major step forward for online marketing analytics. With GA4, businesses will be able to gain deeper insights into user behavior, and they’ll be better equipped to optimize their marketing strategies accordingly.

While I personally prefer the look and feel of the old, reliable Google UA, I also know that it is necessary to master the new version.

10. Augmented Reality (AR) will take online marketing to the next level.

AR will become the biggest trend in Digital Marketing & Media next to AI Tools

Augmented Reality (AR) has been growing in popularity in recent years, and in 2023, we’ll see even more businesses using AR to create immersive and engaging experiences for their customers. With the rise of AR-enabled devices like smartphones and smart glasses, businesses can leverage this technology to showcase their products and services in a whole new way.

AR is not exactly the same as VR (Virtual Reality). AR uses a Real-World setting, while VR is completely Virtual. My gut feeling is that AR will become bigger than VR.

Whether it’s using AR to let customers try on virtual clothes, preview products in their home or office, or explore virtual showrooms, businesses that embrace this technology will be able to differentiate themselves from the competition and create memorable experiences for their customers.


As we move into 2023, online marketing as always will continue to evolve at a rapid pace, driven by advances in technology and changing consumer behavior. Investing some time, energy (and maybe a little bit of money) in studying the latest trends you can stay ahead of your competition. From the rise of AI-powered tools and technologies to the growing importance of personalization and augmented reality, the top online marketing trends for 2023 offer a wealth of opportunities for businesses of all sizes and industries. From inhouse marketers at midsized to big companies, to individual bloggers, niche site builders and affiliate marketers. So don’t be afraid to experiment, embrace the latest trends, and stay ahead of the curve in the exciting and ever-changing world of online marketing.

And besides that, don’t forget to upgrade your Google UA to Google 4!


Q: What is online marketing?

A: Online marketing refers to the use of digital channels to promote and sell products and services. This can include tactics like social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, and more.

Q: Why is online marketing important?

A: It is important because it allows businesses to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. By leveraging digital channels, businesses can connect with customers in a more targeted and personalized way, which can help them build stronger relationships and increase their revenue. An basically because almost anyone is online.

Q: What are the top online marketing trends for 2023?

A: The top trends for 2023 include the use of AI-powered tools and technologies, the rise of voice search and chatbots, the use of video marketing, personalization, interactive content, social media, evolving SEO strategies, mobile-first indexing, and the rise of augmented reality. The gigantic rise of AI is probably the biggest trend.

Q: What is Google Analytics?

A: This online tool is a web analytics service that allows businesses to track and analyze website traffic. It provides insights into user behavior, including how users interact with a website, where they come from, and what actions they take. It is offered by Google, free of charge.

Q: What is Universal Analytics?

A: Universal Analytics (UA) is the most widely used version of Google Analytics. It was introduced in 2012. It provides businesses with detailed insights into user behavior, including data on demographics, user devices, and more. The UA version will stop working on July 1st, 2023

Q: What is Google Analytics 4?

A: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the newest version of Google Analytics, launched in 2020. It provides more granular data and insights into user behavior, and it includes enhanced privacy controls to help businesses comply with changing privacy regulations. The G4 version will be the only version that is avalaible from July, 1st 2023 onwards.

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