The Top 10 AIPRM Prompts for ChatGPT

You don’t quite know your way around ChatGPT yet? No problem, there is an excellent tool for this: the AIPRM Extention. Whatever you want ChatGPT to do, this app will provide you with exactly the right command. In this article, I give you the 10 best AIPRM Prompts. Whether you’re a blogger, Youtuber or just using ChatGPT for research, this extention will help inmensely.

What is AIPRM for ChatGPT?

AIPRM is a nifty little tool that you can install as an extension for Google Chrome. It stands for Artificial Intelligence-Powered Response Manager. The tool was developed by Christopher C. Cemper in 2023 with the aim of automatically generating prompts for AI like ChatGPT.

Before, you had to give a pretty clear and well-defined command to AI Tools to get a result that is readable and of worth to your audience. With AIPRM however, you can now very quickly get a complete blog, YouTube script, keyword research and much much more with just a simple search term!

Examples are:

  • A complete keyword research using 1 term
  • A blog with sources and FAQ
  • Scripts for Youtube
  • Research into Buyers Personas (your ideal target group)
  • A Social Media Calendar/Planning
  • And much, much more

Where can you find the AIPRM Extension?

Just type in AIPRM Extension into Google and you can find it quite easily. Install the app into your extensions, go to ChatGPT and reload the website (press F5 on your keyboard). And presto

The 10 best AIRPM Prompts for content Creators

At the time of writing, more than 3100 possible prompts have already been developed for AIPRM. So I can imagine that it gets a bit confusing for you which ones you can use and are useful for you.

Therefore, I have compiled a somewhat shorter list of 10 useful prompts. I made these specifically for bloggers, marketing professionals, affiliate marketers, content creators. niche website creators and other digital media enthusiasts.

You can find all of these prompts either in the main menu or by typing their titles into the search bar, on the right

1: The Keyword Strategy AIRPM Prompt

The first step in any marketing and content strategy is, of course: research! And with the Keyword Strategy prompt, AIPRM creates a complete keyword strategy for you. And for that, you only need 1 simple term.

As in this example: Best cheap trainers

And as you can see, it generates alternative search terms, possible blog titles and meta descriptions for you, among other things. All in a handy and clear overview.

2: Keyword Generator

Another keyword tool is the Keyword Generator. This only generates alternative suggestions for a search term. Like here, for example, on: Marketing.

You can use this prompt excellently in combination with the others.

3: Fully SEO Optimised Article including FAQs

With the Fully SEO Optimised Article including FAQs, you can let ChatGPT write a blog article of up to 2000 words at lightning speed. Including headings, FAQ and fully SEO optimised.

I asked the prompt to write an article about Guerrila Marketing

4: Outrank Article

No inspiration? No problem, with Outrank Article you can quite easily get one step ahead of your competition.

Copy paste the url of your competitor’s best-performing web page/blog and let ChatGPT do the work.

As I did here with an old guide to the classic Baldurs Gate video game.

5: Get Monthly Calendar in 1 Click

Creating a Content Planning is also a snap. Use the Get Monthly Calendar in 1 Click prompt and, using a simple term, you will get a nice schedule.

In this example image, I again had it searched for Guerrilla Marketing and voila: a schedule for the month of June.

6: Buyers Persona Legend

You want to do some research on your target audience? After describing your services and your ideal target audience, the Buyers Persona Legend prompt provides a hair-trigger description of an example of a potential customer.

I used my own marketing consulting work as an example: online marketing for Saas companies. Meet John Miller!

(More info on BUyers Personas and the usefulness of Marketing Research in this blog)

7: YouTube SEO Title, Description With Tags Generator

This rather comprehensive prompt was developed specifically for YouTube channels. With the YouTube SEO Title, Description With Tags Generator, you can quickly generate some suggestions for the title based on your video topic, a video description and finally also the tags you can fill in.

Here, I chose Baldur Gate Enhanced Review as my topic and got this result:

8: YouTube Script Generator

And next, you can then use the YouTube Script Creator AIPRM prompt to write the script for your video.

The tip, though, is to explain a little more about what you want from your video than just the title. As you can see, this script assumes I have a green screen and a professional camera crew.

9: Midjourney Prompt Generator

And of course, you can also use AIPRM to generate prompts for other AI Tools, such as Midjourney. Midjourney is a tool that lets you generate images.

With the Midjourney Prompt Generator, you let ChatGPT generate excellent commands. Like here again for Baldurs Gate:

10: Email Marketing Series Outline

Finally, an excellent prompt if you want to generate converting emails: the Email Marketing Series Outline.

Give a description of your product/service and your customer (and, ideally, your customer’s need or pain) and you’ll get an excellent series of emails.

Perfect if you are a professional marketer or, for example, an affiliate marketer trying to promote a product with solo ads.


With more than 3,000 different prompts, you can go all out with AIPRM and ChatGPT. In my opinion, these 10 above are best suited if you work in marketing, blogging, niche websites or other online content.

But there is obviously more than enough if you want something different. You can get Tiktok and Instagram scripts written, even an entire book if you want. The sky is the limit. Well, almost. Remember that ChatGPT’s knowledge goes all the way to September 2021. So when it comes to fairly recent information, I recommend using other sources as well.

Should you want to further explore ChatGPT’s prompts yourself, you can of course!

For example, check out this blog on keyword research, this one on creating emails and this one on marketing research.

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