Master Your Time: How to Create a Perfect Schedule with ChatGPT

Ai Tools like ChatGPT are at their best when you use them to increase your productivity. So, are you looking for a good and effective weekly schedule? Let ChatGPT create it for you.

I myself have always struggled with procrastination behaviour as far back as I can remember. It was biggest reason why I never finished my history studies.

No worries though, this article will not be Doom and Gloom. With the help of some very helpful exercises and an executable schedule, I am now used to getting a lot of work done.

In previous articles, I have described, among other things, how to tackle procrastination quickly. For this, you also need easy-to-implement weekly schedule on which you can keep track of your most important tasks. 

If you are a bit of a chaotic person like me, you should read this article on how to set up such an easy schedule.

And if you have a personality that is more detailed and structured, then I recommend reading this article on how to set up a workable weekly schedule specifically for that.

In the advice in those articles, you will learn how to do that yourself. However, the beauty of ChatGPT is that you can now also let AI do this for you automatically. So in this article, I will give you some prompts that will help you create a setup for a workable weekly schedule within a minute.

And in addition, I have found 1  prompts in the AIPRM Extention with which you can create a weekly schedule for a specific project. And greatly improve your productivity with it. Let’s get started!

A clear and easy schedule with ChatGPT

First of all, we want to generate an easy-to-follow schedule. In this, I have room for 1 to 2 important tasks per day and a few small tasks (e.g. housework)

The reason I don’t want to tackle more than a maximum of 2 important things per day is a piece of advice I got earlier from experienced marketing/IT consultant: the more high-priority tasks you put on your to-do list per day, the more cluttered it becomes and the more likely you are not to get any work done at all.

So keep it manageable and put a maximum of 1-2 important tasks on your to-do per day.

My prompt (task) to ChatGPT is then as follows:

I want to be more productive. I’m somewhat chaotic. Can you create the outline of a weekly schedule with room for 2 important tasks per day and 3 to 4 minor tasks per day?

And you get a fine and clear schedule from the AI. Better still, CHatGPT already automatically takes into account, for example, a morning routine itself.

A more detailed Week Schedule with ChatGPT

Are you more structured in your daily routine and need a weekly (or monthly) schedule with more details? You can do that too.

Again, specify which weekly and daily items you need to handle. But now you can put as many tasks in between as you like.

I used the following example as a prompt for ChatGPT:

I want a more detailed and structured weekly schedule. include the following daily tasks: 

  • 1 to 2 important tasks
  • Checking my inboxes
  • Fitness 3 to 4 times a week
  • Daily chores
  • Grocery shopping 2 to 3 times a week
  • Day of on wednesday and sunday

And get the following result. Again, the AI takes the initiative and includes a morning routine.

The first AIPRM Prompt: A schedule for a specific project

If you search for ‘time management’ in AIPRM’s search function, one of the things you will come across is the One-Click 7-Day Mindful Planner Prompt.

The One-Click 7-Day Mindful Planner, a nifty prompt from the AIRPM Extention, great for specific projects

This is not so much for generating a general calendar, but it is fine if you want to create a schedule for a specific project. For example, like a website here:

I have searched for other examples within AIPRM, but could’t find any other at the moment.

Bonus Tip:

With these tips you should be able to create a weekly schedule that works for you. One final tip though: use any type of scheduling platform, tool or app to actually keep track of your schedule or it won’t work.

By that I mean using an old fashioned calendar, notepad or an app like Trello or Monday.

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