How to use ChatGPT for your Keyword Research

What is Keyword Research? ChatGPT offers the answer.

You are researching keywords for your content strategy and want to use ChatGPT? You can! The AI Tool ChatGPT is excellent for finding the right topics. Especially if you don’t have access to a paid Keywords tool like Semrush or Arhef, for example.

Among other things, ChatGPT can help you find easy keywords, long tail keywords, competition research, search intent and much more….

But how to get started? In this article, I will show you different ways how to use the prompts so that ChatGPT gives you the information you need.

11 Tips on how to do Keyword Research with ChatGPT

  1. Generate Keywords starting with a search term or topic
  2. Finding High Ranking, low competition keywords
  3. Creating long tail keywords for a topic
  4. How to find questions on a topic
  5. Researching Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) terms
  6. Finding keywords from your competitors content
  7. Classifying Keywords based on search intent
  8. How to sort out Group Related Keywords
  9. Sorting out Keywords based on Volume
  10. Creating a complete Keyword Strategy from scratch
  11. Using the AIRPM Chrome Extension to create a complete Keyword Strategy

First, a little explanation about prompts and AI. To make an AI Tool like ChatGPT work for you, you need to give it commands. Commands that are clear and concise enough for the AI to generate the information you need for you.

Such a command is called a: Prompt.

Hence, every tip shows you what Prompt to type in.

On with the blog!

1 Generate Keywords starting with search term or topic

ChatGPT can quickly help you with a general list of keywords related to your topic. 

You only need to give a very small, short command to do so. Or as we call a “command” in AI: a “Prompt” Namely as follows:

Prompt: Generate X keywords for “your topic”

In this example, we are looking for 10 keywords related to the topic: “small drone flying” 

And then you get the following result

(note: the term “topic” also means “seed keyword”)

2 Finding High Ranking, Low Competition Keywords

Finding high ranking, low competition keywords is the Holy Grail within Keyword Research. High Ranking, after all, means you can expect a lot of organic traffic to your webpage. And Low Competition means you have low and/or poor competition from other websites.

Mind you, this is still an indication of traffic from what you can expect. Not the final number of visitors. And as you can see in the second image below, ChatGPT itself indicates this.

But you can also generate a nice list of keywords via ChatGPT using the right Prompt. To do this, issue the following command:

Prompt: GenerateX highranking, low competition keywords on “your topic”

In the example below, I am looking for 10 keywords with the topic ‘beginning as a freelancer’

In the  text of the prompt, you can variate to get different results. Like a variation of this command:

Prompt: Find me the top 10 high ranking keywords with low competition on the topic ‘beginning as a marketing freelancer’

Sometimes ChatGPT will indicate some reservations it has about this command prompt, but it will still give you the results. In this example, “beginning as a freelancer” it just gives the results.

3 Creating Long Tail Keywords for a Topic

A Long Tail Keyword is a string of different search terms. Also called a long search term (hence the name “Long Tail”)

An example could be: how to prepare for a long camping trip as a newbie

Or: which trainer should you wear on a city trip

Ideally, you want to make these search terms the focus of your content. For the visitor (and thus also the search engines) it is then crystal clear whether your landing page is suitable or not.

For this, you simply adjust the prompts you learned above. You then use:

Prompt: ” generate X long-tail keywords for the topic “your topic”

In my example I have used the topic “Beginning as a freelancer”

And you can of course vary this a little, as long as your task is clear to ChatGPT’s AI.

Prompt: Find X long-tail keywords for “your topic”

4 How to find questions for a topic

Beyond the generic and general keywords that can be found about your topic, you also want to know what questions are being asked about it.

You want to know what questions your audience is asking online, so you can answer them in your content.

ChatGPT is also excellent for this by typing in a simple command.

Prompt: Generate a list of questions on the topic of: “your topic”

Here again, I have used the example of “beginning as freelancer”

5 Researching Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Terms

Wait, what exactly is Latent Semtantic Indexing! I hear you ask.

I get that. In a nutshell, it is a mathematical way in which search engines find the links between different search terms. Connections that are instinctively obvious to a normal human, but which the AI has to spend some time looking for.

For example, this could be that someone searching for flapjacks could also mean pancakes. The search engine will factor that into the results.

Or if someone makes a spelling mistake in their search query. The search engine’s AI will then look for the right topics to go with it.

Through an LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) search in ChatGPT, you can get different variations on your keywords.

And you do this as follows:

Prompt: list LSI keywords for the topic: “your topic”

Again, I have used “beginning as a freelancer” as an example. But feel free to use and experiment with your own topics.

6 Finding Keywords from your competitors content

Using your competitor’s texts to find keywords? Why not?

You can turn your research around and let ChatGPT analyse your competition’s content to find the right keywords.

Again, this is not too difficult: copy the text you want to analyse and type in the following prompt:

prompt: generate keyword ideas from the following text: “your text”

Here I have used the example of a blog about make up tips for beginners.

7 Classifying keywords on search intent

Is the visitor’s intention just to seek information, purchase something or sign up?

You can also retrieve this information via ChatGPT. Which is quite handy if your list of keywords keeps getting bigger and longer. And you therefore need to distinguish which ones you want to use and which ones you don’t.

You request search intent in the following way:

Prompt: Classify the following keywords based on search intent in a table with the first column for keyword and the second for search intent “list of keywords”

As you can see it is important to use tables in your wording to ChatGPT, so it will know how to properly setup the needed information

 In this example I have used various keywords, in order to best show the difference in search intent.

8 How to sort out Group Related Keywords

Sometimes you want to subdivide your keywords into separate groups. 

For example, when you want to have different subject categories.

Here, too, ChatGPT gives you a helping hand via a fairly simple command.

Prompt: Group related keywords together “list of keywords”

Here I used different video game titles

ChatGPT will create groups or subcategories

9 Sorting out Keywords based on volume

Keyword tools such as Semrush, KeySearch or Arhefs are excellent tools for finding search terms. And in doing so, also show an indication of search volume.

You can use them perfectly well in combination with ChatGPT, to create a well-organized list of the most searched keywords, for example.

For this, you will have to spend a little more time typing a clear command to the AI so that it knows exactly what you want.

Type the following:

Prompt: Consider the following set of keywords and their volume “Paste your keywords + volume data”.

Find the most suitable terms to set as primary & secondary keywords. Generate a table with columns for a keyword, volume, and primary/secondary.

In this example I used the free online keyword tool: H-supertools ( and searched for “best cheap sneakers”

As you can see, ChatGPT gives out some additional advice

10 Creating a complete Keyword Strategy from scratch

Now that we have applied ChatGPT’s AI to find Keywords in different ways and used different variations for this as well as learnt instructions for volumes, tables and subcategories, it is time to turn this into 1 strategy.

We are now going to bring in a complete strategy using the AI for Keywords via 1 instruction.

This requires a more elaborate and at the same time very clear instruction to ChatGPT, otherwise it will not understand exactly what kind of results we are looking for.

Indeed, ChatGPT is very useful, but still ‘just’ a machine that needs clear commands.

Use the following command (props for for creating and testing this prompt): 

Prompt: Pretend like you are a market research specialist having accurate and detailed information about available keywords. You are also capable of developing a full SEO content plan.

Create a table with a list of keywords for content SEO plan for “TOPIC”.

Categorize the keywords according to top categories, and enter the name of super category in the first column named ‘Keyword Cluster’. Next, add second column named ‘Long-Tail Keyword’ containing a long-tail keyword for each super-category. Add third column ‘Search Intent’ for the human search intent of the keyword (commercial, transactional or informational). Add fourth column ‘Title’ suggesting that a catchy and SEO-friendly title for the post about the keyword. In the last column ‘Meta Description’ write a compelling meta description optimised for high CTR for the topic, with a maximum length of 155 characters. The meta description should mention why the content is helpful to the reader in a very concise manner, do not make it generalised. I want the response in table format only, do not return anything else. The table should contain the following columns: Keyword Cluster, Long-Tail Keyword, Search Intent, Title, and Meta Description.

Here I have used the example of “business consultant”

11 Using the AIRPM Chrome Extension to create a complete Keyword Strategy

With the above tips, you now have a pretty good idea of how to use ChatGPT for your Keyword research and your SEO at lightning speed.

You now know how to easily find different search terms through this AI Tool. And besides, you will have a better idea how to use exact Prompts. After all, the right use of Prompts is the key to making AI work most effectively for you.

But is there any way to make this work even faster for you? This is where the Google Chrome Extension: AIPRM comes in.

AIPRM is a nifty little tool that can pretty easily set up a complete keyword research strategy for you with just a few clicks.

But it can also, for example, pre-write a complete blog based on your competitor’s url, provide ideas for your YouTube channel, create a monthly content calendar and much, much more!

To use AIPRM, follow these instructions:

Search in Google for:

AIPRM ChatGPT extension

Install the extension

Reload ChatGPT

You will now see the AIPRM menu on your screen

For a Keyword Research specifically, click on the option: 

Keyword Strategy

Enter your topic and watch ChatGPT build a complete strategy for you.

I typed in “camping in the mountains” and ChatGPT and AIPRM generated this strategy

I myself am still planning to explore from A to Z how to apply prompts in AI for your (Affiliate) Marketing pursuits.

But in the meantime, I can absolutely recommend the AIPRM extension.

Apart from Keyword Research, it offers you the following features, among others:

  • Writing a perfect blog using only a competitor’s URL
  • Writing scripts for your YouTube Channel
  • Creating a monthly content calendar
  • A title generator
  • Write a complete blog article based on 1 keyword


That’s all my information for now on ChatGPT and Keyword Research. With this, I am convinced that you can use this AI Tool just fine to generate the right topics for your content. And take your SEO to the next level.

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