From novice to Wordsmith: Elevate Your Creative Writing with ChatGPT

Whatever you’re writing, you want a text that sizzles and pops. That speaks to your target audience. Or is highly entertaining at the very least. ChatGPT is an excellent AI tool to help you with this. To improve your creative writing skills. But how?
In this article I will show some tips and prompts how you can use ChatGPT to get your creative writing on a higher level.

On this blog I have posted earlier about how you can utilize ChaTGPT to help you write your blogs for you, create linkedin posts, commercial emails and help you with your research, your ideation process. All very useful in my opinion.

But at the end of the day you still need content that is compelling, funny, entertaining. Or sparks even a little bit of curiosity.

To help you I will show a couple of examples and prompts. You can use these examples either to generate complete texts, or use them as tools to help you with inspiration to write or improve your own content.


Let’s start with a poem. One of the first things I did was having ChatGPT write a poem for my girlfriend, around Valentine’s Day. She thought it hilarious.

But you can let AI create a poem on almost any topic, such as seeking a job

I simply put in the prompt:

Write a poem about finding a job for lazy people

A small poem about lazy jobseekers

Now, I’m afraid there still is a limit to what ChatGPT can do. I asked to rewrite a poem, but without rhyme. ChatGPT however can’t help itself, and still puts in rhyme. Specifically ordering it NOT to use rhyme doesn’t work.

Ideas for rhyming

Let’s say you still need words or ideas that rhyme. Off course you can use ChatGPT for that as well.

For instance I put in the prompt:

Can you give me 10 words that rhyme with ‘skiing’

But let’s try another word, just for good measure.

Can you give me 10 words that rhyme with ‘America’

I didn’t know ‘Veracruz’ rhymes with ‘America’

Tone of voice

Want a tone of voice that is more friendly or relaxed? Or just funny? Almost everything is possible with ChatGPT.

You can ad the phase ‘use a friendly tone of voice’ to your prompt. Or ‘Use a polite tone of voice’, depending on who your target audience is.

Using that in your prompts will make your text seem more attractive, but we still want to be a little bit more creative. So what can you do?

You can for instance ask ChatGPT to write in the style of a famous person. Like in this example:

write a short story about a curious geeky goblin in the tone of voice of Mark Twain

And you can experiment almost endlessly with this. Less use another example:

can you write a short business email to clients of a saas company about a upcoming software update? But use the tone of voice of comedian Bill Burr

And you can use Mark Twain again:

Can you rewrite the same email in the tone of voice of Mark Twain?

This is a great way to spruce up your texts, especially when you yourself are struggling somewhat with creativity that day. You can use any celebrity you can think of. Or you use any other description, use the tone of voice of a LA Valley Girl, Snooty High Society New Yorker, working class English Man, Nerdy teenager. Anything you can think of, you can us.

Rewriting existing texts

You can use the same techniques to improve an already existing text. You can either rewrite it in another tone of voice, to make it more compelling and entertaining for example.

You simply copy paste the piece of text in the ChatGPT prompt and give the command to change or improve it however you want.

Such as I did with the intro of my blog article on Keyword Research here:

Cleaning up existing texts: removing too many similar keywords

Currently a drawback when you’re using AI tools like ChatGPT or Koala to generate your written content for you, much of it still looks and reads a bit like it was created by AI. By that I mean that for instance the text is riddled with the main keyword. Sometime a couple of times in the same sentence even. You could get away with that in the hayday of Blackhat SEO around 2002 or 2003. But nowadays you want a text that  is written with both the algorithm and humans in mind.

Now, in the coming years this probably will improve quite quickly, but in the meantime you want your content to come across as natural as possible.

For that you either need to edit the text yourself, manually. Or you can save yourself some time and let the AI edit it for you.

In this example I let Koala write a review on Seth’s Godin ‘This is Marketing’ an insightful book I read not long ago.

But I want to improve it, using AI, so I copy pasted the intro into ChatGTP, and this is the result:


With these small tips you will see an immense improvement in writing more creative and engaging content. AI was already great for helping you with research, with your ideation process.

But nowadays it’s perfect as well to actually optimize the creativity of your writing.

The trick is to experiment your heart out. I have given you a couple of examples on how to edit or look for better content, using the tone of voice of Mark Twain or Bill Burr.

But try to use your own examples. And there should be plenty.

Need some help with improving your copywriting for a specific type of content?

-> Read this article on writing your blog

-> Read this article on generating an engaging business email that converts leads into clients

-> Read this article on how to improve your LinkedIn Profile

-> And finally this article on how to create engaging LinkedIn Posts

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