Finding the Ideal Niche with the help of Google’s Bard

Whatever online business you want to start, finding the best niche is pretty difficult for many. This is where AI Tools like ChatGPT or Bard can really help you.

They are perfect for aiding you with your research and your thought process. In this article I will explain how you can use the new AI Tool Bard, developed and launched by Google, to find the perfect niche for you.

I wrote earlier how to use ChatGPT for researching a niche for your online business. And if you’re a fan of this well known AI Tool have at it!

But there are some major advantages to utilizing Bard. The main being that Bard pulls its information direct from the internet and therefore is more up to date than ChatGPT 3.5.

What’s a Niche and why is it important?

In short, a niche is a certain subset of a particular market. With a niche market you focus on a specific audience or the specific needs of your audience.

For instance, you want to start a Youtube channel in the Health & Fitness market. As anyone know, the competition there is absolute murder. So you focus on a more particular niche, in order to still be able to garner an audience. You do that by targeting for example babyboomers with an injury who want to start exercising. 

Or young mothers in a certain region who want to lose their pregnancy.

You can read more on niches in general in this article.

Or learn how to find your niche using another famous AI Tool: ChatGPT.

Focusing on a niche has the following advantages: 

  • You have better understanding of your audience and their needs and problems
  • You’ll be seen as an expert
  • You will stand out from the competition
  • Customer will refer you to new business
  • And in the end you’ll be able to make more money!

Finding a niche is both difficult and quite easy at the same time

Drones and verything to do with drones is an ideal niche topic, but I can imagine this is not for everyone

From personal experience I know that finding the ideal niche can be both easy or quite frustrating at times. 

Let’s say you’re very passionate about drones and drone videos. Then it’s simple to choose your niche.

But when you don’t have any specific hobbies or skills, choosing the right niche can seem a daunting and arduous task. But don’t fret over that too much! First off, the perfect niche doesn’t exist. My advice is to choose a topic or niche that you either enjoy (or at the very least don’t hate) and that you see yourself doing for a couple of years.

With that out of the way, let’s start the actual research!

Step 1: Have Bard generate a couple of niche ideas for you

If you have no idea where to start we will ask Bard to generate a couple of suggestions for us. And for that you go to the Bard Query and type in:

can you give me a list of 10 lucrative niches for a website?

And you get the following results:

Off course, you can research a niche for a new business as well, if you don’t want to focus on building a website or blog.

For that you type in a slight variation:

Can you give me a list of 10 lucrative niches for a business

And you get this:

Step 2: Choose a topic and have Bard generate more variations

Now we have 10 (or more) general ideas for a niche topic. But we want to dive deeper, because these aren’t specific enough.

So for that I would type in the following command prompt into Bard:

I choose [Topic X]. Can you give 10 more niche ideas for Topic X?

In this case I choose to further research the Health & Fitness Niche

And we get more focused results:

Now we’re getting somewhere! But we need to be even more specific to really get a good niche.

So I would type in:

Can you generate 10 more niche ideas for [ topic X] ?

 I keep continuing in the Health & Fitness Niche and choose number 6: Injury Prevention

 As you can see I made a small spelling mistake, but still Bard managed to give me a pretty nifty result

You can either choose one of these topics or niche down further

Finding the competition

We’ve got the topic sorted: Injury Prevention in this example. But now we want to know who the main competition is. You can use a Keyword Search tool for that, like Semrush or KeySearch.

But Bard is perfect is as well, since it draws it data from Google itself.

So we get Bard to do our research for us.

In this example we want to know the competition in the US, but you can use any region, city or general market if you so want.

We will be using the same chat-conversation. Simply because Bard now has a pretty good idea what we’re looking for.

So we only need to type in:

What are the 10 best website in this niche in (region, city, market, audience etc)

In this case I type in:

What are the 10 best websites in this niche in the US

And get the following results:

Of course you can do the same for Youtube Channels, Podcasts, Instagram accounts and what have you.

Researching topics for your content

We’ve got our Niche Topic chosen (in this example Injury Prevention in the Health & Fitness market), we know the competition -> time to use Bard to research some possible content topics!

(of course, you can use good old Keyword Research for that, or use tool like KeySearch)

I type in the prompt (keeping the Injury Prevention Example):

Can you generate 10 possible topics for a blog for a new Health and Fitness website that focuses on Injury Prevention

prompt And get the following results:

Having Bard generate questions you can ask yourself to find your niche

With the steps above you can research and find a nice niche for you pretty fast. But you can utilize Bard as well to delve a little deeper with your research. You can find an article on how to conduct research on finding your niche as well here.

This way may take some more time, but can be pretty rewarding, because you will actually have a better chance of finding a niche topic that is a better fit for you personally.

So I type in the following prompt in new Bard query:

Can you generate a list of 10 questions I can ask myself to find a niche for a new website or blog? I want to find a topic I am passionate about or interested in

And you get the following results:

You can use these questions to do some research and soulsearching yourself. They are perfect to really find a niche that is good fit with you and your personal brand.

Time to niche down with Bard

With the tips in this article you either have a pretty good idea on which niche topic you can choose. Or on how to conduct some further research.

But if you only got a general idea it’s time to research deeper. To get a more focused topic. This is also called Niching Down.

You may worry that your niche will become too narrow, but don’t fret too much! Realize that online there will almost always be an audience for your niche topic. And you can widen your topic if needed.

Anyhoo, you can type in a prompt like:

I want to build a website about Home Improvement. Can you niche down and give me niche ideas for home improvement?

(Here I used another example of a great niche market: Home Improvement, not to be confused with the ‘90 sitcom of the same name).

And to delve even deeper I again ask Bard to generate a couple of further ideas. In this example I choose landscaping, but you are free to choose your own.

I choose the topic of Landscaping, can you niche down further and give 10 more ideas for this niche?

And you will get more focused results for the Home Improvement -> Landscaping niche. 

And like I wrote before, don’t worry about your niche getting to narrow, because on the internet, their will always be an audience interested in what you have to offer!


With these step you now should have a pretty nifty niche topic in mind. Or have a general sense at least where to start. Just as with ChatGPT, Google’s Bard is perfect for, eh, finding the perfect niche! 🙂

One last tip: try not to overthink and search forever for the Perfect Niche Topic. 

Pick a topic you are both most interested in and also know there is an audience for and start working on it!

Or, as my mentor described it: pick a topic that you at least don’t hate and that you see yourself doing for a long time.

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