Elevate Conversions: Unleash Bard for creating a Buyers Personas

Want to know who your ideal client is? Google’s AI Tool Bard gives you an excellent picture of the perfect visitor or customer within minutes. Using the right prompts you can generate a Persona that you can use as a starting point for your Marketing & Sales Strategy, whatever product or service you’re selling.

In this article, I’ll instruct you on how to create a Buyers Persona for your business with Bard. I wrote an earlier blogpost on how to use ChatGPT for your marketing research, which you can find here.

What is a Buyers Persona?

A Buyers Persona (also called a Customers Persona) is a fictional character created specifically to be a good representation of your ideal target audience.

With a Buyers Persona, you research and compile the different characteristics of your target audience. These could include:

  • Average age
  • Region
  • Average Income
  • Education Level
  • Sex
  • Role within a company
  • Responsibilities
  • Challenges and problems
  • Likes and Dislikes
  • Social Media
  • Hobbies 
  • And, if desired, political affiliations

And much more.

Researching a Buyers Persona will help you better find and understand your Target Audience

All this data can be used by both marketers and salespeople as inspiration for their efforts. In order to effectively reach your target audience with the right tone of voice on the right platform.

For example, if your buyers persona shows that your target audience is primarily active on LinkedIn, the key is to start content and advertising on LinkedIn. And not on Facebook.

Setting up a Buyers Persona is both an essential and fun start to your Marketing Strategy!

And the nice thing is, with the help of AI you don’t have to set up long Marketing Surveys yourself, but you already get a great Persona with a few simple prompts.

Creating one or more Buyers Persona’s used to be the purvery of Marketing Agencies who also offer research. Or in some cases you can put your interns to work on this.

But nowadays you can use AI Tools like ChatGPT or Bard for this. And it takes them only a couple of minutes.

Here we will put Google’s Bard to work. I’ll show you how to do such things as:

  • 1 specific Buyers Persona created if you already have a good idea of your company, your product and the type of customer you want to attract
  • How to create 2 or more Buyers Personas
  • And how to create a Buyers Persona from scratch

First example: creating a buyers persona for a Saas Company

Ok, in the first example we already have a rough idea of who we are, what we sell and to whom. Then it’s already pretty easy to have Bard generate a Buyers Persona.

In this example, I am a marketer for a mid-sized Saas company. We offer Cloud Technology, Cyber Security and reliable enterprise networking among other things. Our customers are companies with at least 50 and up to 1,000 employees. So mid-sized to large, but not corporate. I also know that most of the DMU’s (the decision makers, the people who decide if they want to go into business with me) are IT-managers, Heads of IT and similar jobs.

For Bard to work so effectively for me, I need to give it info so that I actually get a comprehensive Persona soon.

So I first give info about my company with the following prompt:

I work in marketing for a midsized Saas company in the US. We offer Cloud Technology, Cybersecurity and Network services. Our customers are companies with at least 50 employees and a maximum of 1000. So no corporate. The DMU’s are mostly IT-managers, CIO’s, Heads of IT, IT-directors etc

And I get the following results:

Bard now has at least a general idea where I want to go.

Next step is to actually generate the Persona. And for that I type in the following prompt in the same chat conversation:

With my company and services in mind, could you create a persona of my ideal customer?

And get the following Buyers Persona: Sarah the It Manager. Already I got a lot of information from Sarah. But I need something extra,

So I type in:

Can you elaborate on Sarah? What kind of Social Media does she use for instance, what are her hobbies, level of education etc.

And now we’re getting somewhere! Now I’ve got a pretty good idea who my target audience is, what their needs are. And very important: where to find them!

I can use all this information as a starting point, as a small guide, every time I need to create content or begin a new ad campaign.

Second Example: Creating 2 Buyers Persona’s for a Travel Agency

We now know how to create Buyers Persona with Bard 1. But what if you want at least 2 or more?

That’s what we’re going to find out. In this example, we’ll take a small travel agency that specializes in active travel, such as surfing or mountain climbing, in Europe. The trips themselves are done to perfection and not cheap.

I then type in the following prompt to give Bard the information needed later on for the Personas:

I own a small travel agency in the Netherlands. I offer fun and exciting trips in Spain, the Balkans, the Alps, France for surfers, wild water rafters and mountain climbers. The trips are taken care of to the last detail, hotel, air travel, accommodation is all taken care of for the participants. Therefore, these trips are not cheap. Participants are generally men between the ages of 30 and 50, however, the number of female participants has been growing since 5 years.

Bard now knows what my company is about, next step is to get the Buyers Persona’s:

And for that I type in:

With my travel agency and services in mind can you create 2 personas for my ideal customer? One male persona and one female persona?

And I get 2 persona’s, James and Sarah (Sarah likes to travel in her freetime)

But again, I miss some additional information, so I ask Bard to add info on their Social Media preferences, personality type and hobbies:

Can you add level of education, personality type and prefered Social Media to both personas?

And get this:

With this additional info you can now utilize these persona’s for your marketing efforts

Finding and researching your Buyers Persona from scratch

And what if you have no idea who your target audience is? You have an approximate idea of what your topic (or product/service) is, but who is your customer?

You can use Bard to help you with the research for that, too.

In this example, we want to set up a blog with the topic “Drones for Beginners. We’ll assume for convenience that we have no idea who would be interested in this.

So we type in the following prompt:

I want to create a website about drones for beginners. What kind of people like drones?

And get the following information.

With that out of the way, it is time to see which Buyers Persona is a great fit for this niche topic.

So I type in:

Can you create a persona of the ideal visitor to my drones for beginners website? Add personality type, age, level of education, Social Media

And because I also asked Bard to add Social Media, Hobbies and personality I get a lot more info.


With these prompts, you will have put together an excellent Buyers Persona in just a few minutes. Or one for a very specific market (like the Saas industry or High End Travel Agency). You now know how to create multiple personas for 1 company.

And how to start from 0, if you barely know your target audience and niche.

You can always use these personas as the starting point of your marketing strategy. For example, for inspiration from:

This is a handy tool in your Marketing and Sales toolbox. However, don’t forget to renew it every other year! After all, the needs and composition of your target audience can change every so often. And you want to make sure your Buyers Persona’s remain a fit with the overall branding of your company.

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