Creating Converting CTA’s with ChatGPT

A strong, clear CTA (Call To Action) is the ultimate key to converting your visitors/leads into paying customers. Sometimes it takes a while to find these for your target audience. And this is where AI can help you quite a bit. Using ChatGPT, you can now come up with converting CTAs at lightning speed. And in this article, we explain how.

We will explain:

  • How to get a list of CTA buttons for a webshop
  • Getting CTA’s for a Social Media Ad
  • Getting people to subscribe to a newsletter
  • About CTA’s on a specific Landing Page
  • Getting leads to sign up for a live demo

What is a CTA? 

The acronym CTA stands for call to action. In marketing, a call to action is a statement that encourages a specific response from the viewer, such as visiting a website, signing up for an email newsletter, or making a purchase. CTAs are typically written in an imperative tone, using verbs like “click here,” “download now,” or “sign up for free.”

Effective CTAs are clear, concise, and specific. They should tell the viewer exactly what you want them to do and make it easy for them to do it. CTAs should also be prominent and easy to find, so that viewers can’t miss them.

Here are some examples of effective CTAs:

  • “Download our free e-book now.”
  • “Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive offers.”
  • “Shop our new collection today.”

Here are some examples of ineffective CTAs:

  • “Learn more about our products.” (This is too vague. What specific product do you want the viewer to learn more about?)
  • “Contact us today!” (This doesn’t tell the viewer how to contact you.)
  • “Visit our website.” (This is too generic. What specific page on your website do you want the viewer to visit?)

Read more on CTA’s and AI in general here.

How to get a list of CTA buttons for a webshop

First thing first, we want an extensive list of possible CTA Buttons for a new webshop. We can use a pretty generic prompt for that. So in the ChatGPT chat-box you type in:

I want to build a new webshop. What are examples of CTA buttons I should place on my landing pages? Examples such as ‘Buy now’,  or ‘add to shopping cart’. Give as many examples as possible

And we get a long list of possible CTA buttons. The kind you will find on almost any webshop. 

Getting CTA’s for a Social Media Ad with ChatGPT

The second step is to get more indepth results from ChatGPT for a strong CTA. In this example we want to get a couple of good CTA’s for a Social Ad (by the way, this can also be used for Google Ads).

You want to give ChatGPT as much information about you, your company, the product, your target audience and your marketing goal in order to get results you actually can use.

You can use this prompt as a template:

I am the [Online Marketer] for a [ type of company]. We sell [ product or service]. Our main audience are [your target audience]. We’re running a ad on [ Social Media Platform] to [goal of your ad]. Can you generate 5 converting CTA’s for this ad?

In this example we’re pretending to work for a small Saas company who offer Cloud tech to IT-managers. We’re running ads mainly on LinkedIn with the aim to get them to download our whitepapers. So I type in:

I am the [Online Marketer] for a small Saas company. We sell [Cloud Software]. Our main audience are [IT-managers of midsized to large companies]. We’re running a ad on [ LinkedIn] to [get our target audience to download an informative Whitepaper]. Can you generate 5 converting CTA’s for this ad?

And get these results. Not too shabby. If you want you can use your own wording in your prompt. Or ask for more results in ChatGPT if you seek more possible CTA’s/

Getting people to subscribe to a newsletter

Newsletters and email campaigns are a great way to reach your audience. And turn leads into paying customers. So let’s get ChatGPT to work on a excellent CTA to get more subscribers to your newsletter.

You can use the following template:

I am the [online marketer] for a [type of company]. We sell [product or service]. Our main audience are [your target audience]. We want more subscribers for our newsletter. We offer [incentive] to each new subscriber. Can you generate 5 CTA’s to use on our website?

Let’s pick another example. This time we own a webshop for craftbeers, catering to mostly men. We offer a 15% discount of the first purchase for every new newsletter subscriber. So we type in:

I am the [online marketer] for a [webshop]. We sell [craftbeers]. Our main audience are [men]. We want more subscribers for our newsletter. We offer [a 15% discount on the first purchase] to each new subscriber. Can you generate 5 CTA’s to use on our website?

And get these suggestions.

I made a slight spelling mistake in my prompt, but ChatGPT still gave a good answer

However, some of them are a bit on the long side. So we ask ChatGPT to generate 5 more, but this time shorter:

Can you generate 5 more CTA’s? But make them shorter

And this is the result:

CTA’s for a specific Landing Page

Whether you want your visitors to click on an affiliate link, sign up for a course or straight up buy a specific product, the CTA’s on your website should be enticing as well. Let’s use the Craftbeers Webshop again as an example. (of course, you can use your own company and product in the prompt to suit your needs).

I want to have different CTA’s for a Black Friday Landing Page, so I type in:

I created a specific landingpage for Black Friday for our visitors and customers. Highlighting the different Black Friday Deals. Can you generate 5 clickbaity CTA’s that will convert?

These are great, but are CTA’s that link to the landingpage. I want CTA’s that I can use on the page itself.

So next I type:

Can you generate 5 CTA’s that I can use on the Black Friday Landingpage itself?

Much better, I can use at least 3 of them. And if needed I will ask ChatGPT for more results.

Getting leads to sign up for a live demo with the help of a strong CTA

Live Online Demos or Webinars are excellent tools for generating leads to paying customers. Especially if you are selling a somewhat less tangible product/service where you need to be able to explain functionality and benefits a bit better. Like specific software or a course, for example.

Of course you want a great CTA for that as well.

You can use a template like this:

I am the [online marketer] for [ type of company]. We sell [product or service]. My audience are [your target audience]. I’m giving an Online Webinar to promote [your product or service] to my target audience. Can you generate 5 great CTA’s which will make them sign up?

Let’s take a Saas company as an example. In this case I would type in:

I am the [online marketer] for [a small Saas company]. We sell [Cloud Software]. My audience are [IT-managers of midsize to large companies]. I’m giving an Online Webinar to promote [a new cloud security service] to my target audience. Can you generate 5 great CTA’s which will make them sign up?

And these are the results. Feel free to edit your own prompt in order to suit the needs of your company or website.

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