Creating a new Brand from scratch using ChatGPT and Dall-E

You want to launch a new product or service, but you’re having trouble getting started? AI can help you with that as well! By using ChatGPT and Dall-E you can create the name, logo, slogan and overall brand of your company within 15 to 30 minutes. In this article I will show you how.

Creating a new brand from scratch can be time consuming and may even delay the launch of the product/service itself. You need to hire an expensive company to come up with your branding from A to Z. Or you spend too much time thinking about the name, logo, slogan and image yourself.This is when you actually can’t wait to sell your product to your customers and make them happy.

Now, with the help of AI-tools like language model ChatGPT and image generator Dall-E, you can create the outline of your brand in no time. In this blog I will explain how to set up:

  • The name of your company
  • Logo
  • Slogan
  • First draft of a Branding Strategy
  • How the packaging should look
  • Merchandise
  • And how to write the outline for a script for a short ad

Now, before we start, there are 2 caveats I must mention:

First, you need the paid version of ChatGPT for this. In order to combine ChatGPT and image generator Dall-E you will need to sign up for the paid version, which is about $20,- a month. The free version doesn’t offer this option as of yet.

Second, the results will look pretty impressive, but not quite perfect. As you will see later on. Outright using the images to convert into a logo, well, that is not quite possible. But you CAN use the results to brief the graphic designer who will create the end result. But enough of that, let’s get started!

What do I need to get started?

To get started, a paid ChatGPT account. This will automatically instruct Dall-E to create images for you, if you request it.

In addition, you should already have a good idea of what product or service you want to offer. And who your target audience is. After all, ChatGPT depends on the information you provide to help you with your Branding Strategy. So the clearer you are in your info, the better the answer.

Having trouble finding a product/service? Then read this article on how to find your ideal niche market with the help of AI. This one is also perfect for this.

And want more insight into your target market? Then read this blog article first.

Giving ChatGPT the general outline of your new company and product.

The first step we have to take is to give ChatGPT enough information about our new company ,product ( or service) and our target audience. 

You want to feed the AI-tool with as much information as you can, in a clear and concise manner, in order to get the best results. Remember, ChatGPT is still just an AI app and not a human. If you give vague or overly nuanced commands, it won’t quite understand what you’re asking of it.

In this example I want to launch a brand new tea company in Western Europe, geared towards young, rugged alpha men.

So I type in the following prompt:

I’m a new entrepreneur with a great love for tea. I want to create a new brand of tea in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The target audience is specifically men between the age of 25 and 45. And more rugged, alpha men.

I want to create the brand name, logo and branding strategy.

And ChatGPT generates the following results. It’s not a complete new brand, but the AI will now have an idea where I want to go.

Generating the Brand Name

Step 2 is generating the brand name. ChatGPT had already created a couple of suggestions, but I want more variations. 

So I type in the prompt:

I like the names, could you generate 10 more names that would appeal to a masculine audience?

And get these results. The brand name Warriors Kettle appeals the most to me, so I pick that one. On to the Logo!

Generating the Logo, with Dall-E

Step 3 is generating the Logo. And the fun thing is: ChatGPT will automatically let Image Generator Dall-E create the artwork for you!

In order to do that, I type in:

I like Warrior’s Kettle. That is the name of my new Tea Brand. Could you generate a cool looking logo in masculine colours?

A great looking result, but as you can see, not quite perfect. AI, unfortunately, still tends to have small but glaring errors at this point. You can’t use this image yet, but you can try either to give more info, to rectify the mistakes.

Or you can use this image to give to your graphic designer.

So, I try again and type in: 

I like this logo! Can you generate it again, but this time have the warrior holding the teapot by the handle?

This is much better! But I want to see if I can improve the logo a tiny bit. This time I type in:

Yes, this logo is almost perfect! Can you generate the exact same image, but with the name of the company: Warrior’s Kettle?

The floating kettle maybe a little bit off putting and the is a spelling mistake, but overall, nice result.

Next step: creating a great slogan, which we can use in our ads and marketing!

Having AI create a great slogan

We’ve fed ChatGPT a lot of info at this point, so creating a great slogan should be easy now.

For that I type in:

OK, let’s use this logo. Can you generate 10 cool sounding slogans?

And get these results. I decide to pick the slogan:

Steeped in Courage, Rich in Taste 

But if you want, you can always have the AI create more variations.

Now, I want to create the packaging.

Using ChatGPT and Dall-E to generate packaging

Ok, we’ve got the name, logo and slogan sorted out, time to create the packaging. So, I type in:

Let’s use: Steeped in Courage, Rich in Taste 

as the official slogan for now.

Can you generate the packaging for thea, include the logo and slogan.

As you can see, some pretty nifty results! But also still some glaring AI mistakes. Look at where the kettle is, or the spelling mistake in the slogan.

However, it’s a start and you can always ask a graphic designer to fix this for you.

Creating a Branding Strategy with ChatGPT

Now we’ve got the naming and overall look and feel of the brand out of the way, time to create a strategy to get your product on the market.

(for a more indepth article on how to create a target audience with AI, click here)

Let’s type in:

Alright, we’ve got the logo, slogan and packaging sorted. Can you generate a branding strategy to reach my audience? (masculine, alpha men, aged 25 till 45).

What is my general tone of voice, which platforms should I use.

Can you include a small list of possible competitors?

And get this:

Creating Merchandise with ChatGPT and Dall-E

And here comes the fun part! Merchandise can and should be part of your branding as well. So, let’s create that!

And so I type in:

Now I want to create some merchandise as well. Can you generate a hoodie with the Warrior’s Kettle Logo and Slogan?

And get this:

If you want more merchandise, all you have to do is ask ChatGPT:

I want some more merchandise. Can you create a Warrior’s Kettle T-Shirt and a Warrior’s Kettle Baseball Cap?

And maybe a beanie for the hipsters amongst us?

Now, for the final piece of merchandise, can you generate a beanie in the branding style of Warrior’s Kettle?

Writing a script for a TV and Youtube ad

Want to write an outline the script of a TV or Youtube Ad for your brand? AI is your with friend with this as well.

For that I type in:

With all of the information above, can you create the script of an ad for TV and Youtube?

And this is the result.

You can create a radio script with AI like this:

Can you create the script for a short radio ad as well? 

Creating individual products

With all the information above you are well on your way to create a brand from scratch. But what if you want to delve even deeper and create additional products? That can be done as well.

In this example I want to create individual tea flavours. I’ve already thought about Mint Tea, with the name Macho-Mint. Let’s elaborate on that further.

Let’s type in:

I want to sell different tea flavors, with an alpha style or name. Starting with mint tea, for which  I already have a name: Macho-Mint.

Can you do the same for Earl Grey?

Now, I’m not too excited about the results, so I ask ChatGPT to do some additional work:

Do you have 5 suggestions for Earl Grey?

And I get this.

Bonus Tip: creating an Instagram Ad with ChatGPT and Dall-E

AI can help you create ads for Online Advertising as well, such as for Meta, in this case Instagram.

So, let’s create an ad for the Macho-Mint flavour:

Can you create the text for a Instagram Ad for the Macho-Mint flavor? Including image

This is the image:

And this the text:

Again, the end results aren’t perfect by a longshot. But you can still use them for your brief to your graphic designer. And the text is useable, with a little bit of editing.


With the tips in this blog you’re now able to use the paid version of ChatGPT in combination with Dall-E to create a brand from scratch!

Granted, there are still some rough edges to it.You will have to do some touching up, editing or improving. But this outline will save you a gigantic amount of time thinking and researching.

As you can see from the images, AI is far from ready to take on such marketing work all by itself from A to Z. But it’s a good start.

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