Creating a complete Blog Post from scratch with Gemini (formerly Google’s Bard)

The great and fun thing about AI is that it can help you research and create a blog in only a couple of steps and within minutes. Gemini (formerly known as Bard) is no exception to this. With this AI tool you can research the needed keywords, topics, competition and more in only 5 to 10 minutes. And in this article I show you how.

Now, one side note, Gemini is an AI Language tool, created by Google to be a competitor to ChatGPT. It used to be called Bard, but apparently Google decided to change the name. I personally think Gemini sounds more AI-like. And Bard, well, sounds more having to do with a playing character from DnD.

Anyhoo, on with the article. I’ve tested various prompts I myself created or come across the internet. And found that Gemini is great at helping you research topics and keywords for your blog. Creating headings and an outline. And finally writing the actual blogpost from A to Z.

For tips on how to create a blogpost from scratch using ChatGPT, read this article.

Creating a blogpost in Gemini step by step

We’re going to do this step by step. Why step by step? Well, firstly you want to know which topics are viable for a blogpost and you want to insert as much information into Gemini beforehand to get the best result. You want a well researched blog article that is readable and entertaining as well.

And next to that, AI language tools like Gemini and ChatGPT aren’t able to create a near perfect blogpost with only one command prompt yet. If you offer only one command, the AI tool will get lazy and right a short blogpost, that may contain the right keywords. But won’t offer much value to your readers. So you need to take it by the hand.

Don’t worry, even doing it step by step will take only 5 to 10 minutes.

In this guide I will show you the following steps:

  • Researching Keyword Clusters with Gemini
  • Having Gemini find Article ideas and Topics
  • Researching General Keywords
  • Creating an Article Outline
  • Finding the right Headings
  • Writing the article Paragraph by Paragraph
  • Editing the Article
  • How to start writing the article yourself
  • Researching the competition with Gemini
  • Researching Keyword Clusters with Gemini

Researching Keyword Clusters with Gemini

The first step is to get Gemini to research a keyword cluster for our topic. A Keyword cluster is a group of keywords that are tied to the same topic. You can use these keywords in one nifty blogpost, instead of spreading them out over various posts and articles.

The great thing about starting with a Keyword Cluster is that you can get multiple keywords and possible topics from Gemini in this research. All of whom can be used in this blogpost or in future.

(for a complete guide on keyword research with Gemini, read this article)

For that I start by typing the following prompt:

Can you give me some keyword clusters about [your topic here]

To make things clear for you I will give an example in this article, namely the niche-topic e-bikes for beginners

So, my prompt in Gemini is:

Can you give me some keyword clusters about e-bikes for beginners

Off course, feel free to change your own wording if needed, the important this here is that the AI-tool understands your command.

And this is the result, a pretty impressive list of keywords and topics:

Gemini generated results for e-bikes for beginners keyword clusters

Having Gemini find Article ideas and Topics

The second step is to delve deeper and get some more articles ideas from Gemini. Now, since Gemini has generated more than 27 Keyword clusters, it is wise to pick only one or 2 for this next step, otherwise you will generate too much data.

The prompt you can use is:

You’ve created 5 keyword clusters for the topic: [your topic]. Can you generate 5 article ideas for each?

 In this case I choose the keyword cluster: Types of E-bikes. And I typed in:

You’ve created 5 keyword clusters for the topic: [Types of E-bikes]. Can you generate 5 article ideas for each?

And see Gemini putting out a nifty result here:

Choosing the article topic and Researching General Keywords

Step 3 is choosing the main topic of your article from the results above and research more keywords. Keywords that are specific to your article.

(sidenote, you can also make this step your first step in your process).

You can use the prompt:

I like the topic: [your topic]. Can you give me some keywords for this topic? Please add the competition and the search volume.

This last addition to the prompt, about the competition and search volume, is important, because this will give you an estimate on how much traffic you can expect from each keyword. However, take heed that Gemini the actual traffic numbers, it’s still an estimation.

Now, in our E-bikes Example, I choose the niche topic: Conquering Hills with a Hybrid E-bike: A Beginner’s Guide

So I type in: 

I like the topic: [Conquering Hills with a Hybrid E-bike: A Beginner’s Guide

]. Can you give me some keywords for this topic? Please add the competition and the search volume.

And Gemini will give me a nice overview of keywords pertaining to this topic. Note, you can use some or all of them in your article. Or save some for another blogpost.

Creating an Article Outline with Gemini

We’ve got our main topic for our article and our keywords. Now it’s time to make an outline for the article. 

For that, you simply type in:

Can you give an article outline for [your topic]

And for this e-bikes example I type in:

Can you give an article outline for [Conquering Hills with a Hybrid E-bike: A Beginner’s Guide]

What follows is great outline of your article:

On to the next step!

Finding the right Headings with Gemini

You can use the outline as inspiration for the headings and sub-headings in your article. But if you need a little help you can Gemini as well.

After the outline has been generated, type in the following prompt:

can you generate some headings for the article above

Gemini will use the same outline, and insert some great headings.

Edit where needed, on to writing the actual article!

Writing the article Paragraph by Paragraph

Now we’ve got everything sorted, we’ve research topic and keywords and created a general outline with neat headings.

Time to write the article! Or actually, have Gemini write the article.

We want to do that paragraph by paragraph. You get the best result with this method.

Of course, you can ask Gemini to write the whole blogpost in one go, but as I wrote in the intro, both this AI tool and ChatGPT have the tendency to cut some corners that way. So, we’re going step by step, paragraph by paragraph. Don’t worry, you’ll still be much faster than writing the content yourself.

So type in:

Using the information above and the subheadings, can you write the introduction paragraph?

Edit or change this prompt when needed.

Gemini will write the first paragraph, like here:

Writing the second paragraph

We’ve got the intro, on to the second paragraph, so I type in the Gemini Prompt:

can you write paragraph: II. Understanding Your E-bike and Hills:

And here you’ve got the second paragraph. Continue until the AI Tool has written the complete article.

Editing the Article

Are we done yet? Well, not quite. Make sure you read the article and see if it needs improving and editing. 

AI becomes better and better at generating content that is actually readable. Especially compared with content from last year. But you still get the feeling that something’s not quite right with it.

So read every paragraph and see if the content is factually true, informative and is readable. You can either edit it yourself.

Or ask an AI tool like to check your text. and tools like it will help you edit and improve AI generated content

And of course you can use either Gemini itself or ChatGPT to make your texts more human. 

In Gemini, type in: 

Can you rewrite this text into a more human tone of voice? [copy past your text]

Or have a little fun and ask it to use another tone of voice altogether, like this:

Can you rewrite this text into the  tone of voice comedian Bill Burr? [copy past your text]

And get this hilarious result:

How to start writing the article yourself

Don’t trust the quality offered by AI yet? Or you just like writing? No worries, with the first steps you can have a great outline and start typing the article.

But you will need something extra in your research.

So you can ask Gemini what its needed to write a first class article for your topic. For that you type in the following prompt:

I want to write the article myself. Can you give me some ideason how I can write a informative, compelling and entertaining article called [your topic] that will rank high in  Google

And using the E-bike example, the prompt will look like this:

I want to write the article myself. Can you give me some ideason how I can write a informative, compelling and entertaining article called [ Conquering Hills with a Hybrid E-bike: A Beginner’s Guide] that will rank high in  Google

Gemini will offer some excellent tips on how to create a compelling article

Researching the competition with Gemini

The last step is researching the competition. Which articles are already out there that you compete with? Or you can use as inspiration for your own blogpost. (by the way, you can also start the whole process with this step)

So, let’s take a look with Gemini who your competition is. For that you type in the following prompt:

Which articles do well in Google Search that are similar to the article I want to write: your topic

And again using the e-bikes example the prompt looks like this

Which articles do well in Google Search that are similar to the article I want to write: High-ranking articles on conquering hills with hybrid e-bikes

With this result. Gemini will even you a couple of links to other articles similar to your topic.

Bonustip: Generate an FAQ for your article

A final tip, you can also an FAQ with Gemini to your article, especially if the general outline is missing one.

Simply type the prompt:

Can you add an faq at the end of this article?

Don’t forget to ask to use the original tone of voice, as you can see Gemini is still in Bill Burr Mode.

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