ChatGPT: The Ultimate Weapon for Finding Lucrative Niches 

Having trouble finding your niche? Or you have too many ideas and don’t know where to start? This is where ChatGPT can help you! At the moment AI tools are especially great at helping you with your research and your ideation process. With ChatGPT you can find a profitable niche in minutes or help you clear your thought process.

In this article I will show you in only a few steps how to find a great niche. Whether you want to start a blog, build a niche website, begin as an affiliate marketer or set up a freelance consultant. In my earlier blog post Navigate your way to success: Finding the Perfect Niche Market I wrote about the importance of researching and starting in the right topic (or niche market) for the chances of success of your new business. And gave out some tips on how to find a great niche.

To reiterate the gist of my previous blog: With the right niche, you can more easily reach a specific target audience, get ahead of your competition. And have more fun on the one hand and make more money on the other!

I get it: choosing a niche can be difficult at times

But I can imagine it is still difficult to find the right topic. On the one hand, it can be super easy, when you have experience (and maybe some fun) with a particular hobby or job, you already know right away what you can add and how to reach and help the ideal target audience.

But on the other hand, for many, choosing the right niche can be overwhelming. You have too many ideas from which you are afraid to choose. Or, on the contrary, you have no idea at all. So let’s get started and let ChatGTP do all the work for us.

Step 1: Have ChatGPT generate a couple of Niche Ideas.

If you have any idea we will first ask ChatGPT to generate some ideas for us.

For this, I will use the prompt:

can you give me a list of 10 lucrative niches for a website

And you get the following results. (off course you can use variations to this prompt, such as 10 great niches, or 10 profitable niches)

Now, these ideas can be a bit generic and for instance Health & Fitness is highly saturated with lots of competition. But it’s a starting point.

Step 2: Choose an Idea and have the AI generate a couple of variations.

OK, we have some general ideas, but these are still too generic. And not really specifically focused yet.

So pick 1 of the topics you are most interested in (or have the most experience with) and ask for more variations.

In this example, I go for Technology and Gadgets and ask ChatGTP for more niche examples.

I get another 10 ideas that are now a bit more specific. Experienced gamer as I am, I choose Gaming Gear and Accessories and ask the AI to generate another 10 ideas.

And see the result here. Now we are getting somewhere. These are much more specific niche topics, each of which also has a more focused target audience.

You can now either choose 1 of these ideas, or let ChatGPT generate even more variations.

Have ChatGPT generate questions for you to help you with Niche Research

Using the steps above, we can discover all kinds of ideas pretty quickly.

But of course, we can also ask ChatGPT to help you with a little deeper research into your ideal niche, mostly in the way I gave in my earlier niche blog.

After all, at the end of the day, you want to embark on a topic where your passion and interest lies. Or a topic you at least don’t hate.

 So you want to put yourself to work a bit to come up with ideas, but what questions should you ask yourself to do that? This is where ChatGPT comes in again. I pose the following prompt:

Can you generate a list of 10 questions I can ask myself to find a niche for a new website or blog? I want to find a topic I am passionate about or interested in

And I get these results. These type of questions are an excellent start to find a great niche that fits with you and your Personal Brand.

Using AI to find a great niche as a consultant or freelancer

Rather than starting a new affiliate website/blog, you want to start as a freelance consultant? Again, you can use ChatGPT to help with your thought process. And thus find your ideal role and matching target audience.

I give a slight variation on the earlier question as follows:

Can you generate a list of 10 questions I can ask myself to find a niche as a freelance consultant.  I want to find a freelance job I’m good at, have fun with and a target audience

Again I can see 10 great questions that are perfect for researching and finding an excellent niche as a consultant.As I wrote in my other blogs: this is exactly where ChatGPT really shines: it is a great tool to help you with your research, on any topic. And helps you save time on ideation and increase your productivity.

Niching Down

Anyoooooo, if you have done at least 1 of the above steps, you will have one or more ideas for a topic. If you haven’t quite found a specific niche (or a specific target audience ), it’s time to dig a little deeper. This is also called Niching Down.

For this, we are also going to specifically ask ChatGPT to Niche Down, so to speak.

For example, suppose I am interested in drones. I want to ask the AI Tool to generate more and deeper variations on this topic and set the following prompt:

I want to build a website about drones. Can you niche down and give me niche ideas for drones?

And here you see a couple of excellent suggestions. For Instance Drone Safety.  This may sound like a topic which won’t attract a large audience. But that’s the beauty of working with a niche, you don’t need a large audience, you only need the right audience.

In this case people who are looking for information on Drone Safety. And I can guarantee you: on the internet there will still be plenty of people interested in your specific niche.


With these steps, you can quickly put ChatGPT to work to find an excellent niche topic for you. Or help you research, brainstorm the right topic.

One last tip: try not to overthink and search forever for the Perfect Niche Topic. 

Pick a topic you are both most interested in and also know there is an audience for and start working on it!

Or, as my mentor described it: pick a topic that you at least don’t hate and that you see yourself doing for a long time.

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