A Company of One – By Paul Jarvis | Book Review

5.0 rating
  • PublisherPinguin Business
  • Published1/15/2019

Even since I’ve started working in Marketing and Social Media I’ve been a sucker for new books about these topics.  That’s why I was excited to read “Company of One” by Paul Jarvis. In this book, Jarvis challenges the conventional wisdom that bigger is always better, arguing that there are many benefits to running a small business with just one employee – yourself.

Paul Jarvis offers a friendly and down to earth tone.

Full title: A Company of One, Why Staying Small is the next Big Thing in Business was published in January 2019 and I immediately bought and read the book at that time. But I haven’t come around to actually writing a review about it. First of, one of the things I loved about this book is the way Jarvis writes. He’s friendly and down-to-earth, and he doesn’t use jargon or complicated concepts to get his point across. Instead, he uses real-world examples and anecdotes to illustrate his ideas. For example, he talks about how companies like Basecamp and GitHub have been successful by keeping their teams small and focused. And he explains how solopreneurs can apply those same principles to their own businesses.

A small company offers control over both your business and personal life.

Paul Jarvis Author of a company of one

One of the main benefits of running a small company , according to Jarvis, is that you have complete control over your business. You don’t have to answer to investors or shareholders. You can make decisions quickly and efficiently. You also have the flexibility to work on projects that you’re passionate about, rather than just chasing the next big trend.

So you basically own your planning and agenda, nobody else.

Another advantage of small business: knowing your clients

In addition to the examples above, a small business also offers another big advantage: you can offer your customers exact and highly targeted support when needed.

With corporate companies, the customer’s needs and problems can still sometimes be lost sight of. 

With a smaller organisation, you often know exactly what is going on with your customers and how to solve it. As a result, you offer them more value and make yourself indispensable.

The Importance of developing your own Personal Brand

Your company can be an excellent match for your personal brand. Jarvis himself, for example, calls himself a bit of a Geek. When he was just starting out for himself, he had some fear that his personality would not resonate with an audience. But what turned out? Many fellow Geeks latched onto this very thing. And with this, he underlines how building your personal brand can be a source of strength and pride within your company.

This ensures greater success as an entrepreneur. After all, you are recognisable and stand out from your competition.

Valuable information for the small business owner, not so much If you want to conquer the universe

That being said, this book isn’t for everyone. If you’re someone who’s looking to build a massive empire with hundreds of employees and millions or billions of dollars in revenue, then “Company of One”

probably isn’t for you. But if you want to build a sustainable and fulfilling business that is fun, stress free and still has an impressive revenue, then it is definitely worth a read.

Conclusion: A fresh perspective on how to build a fun and hassle free business

Even though A Company Of One was released almost four years ago, it still offers a fresh and innovative take on how to build your business. Whether you want to start a small consulting business, blog, niche website or webshop, this book will give you the inspiration and tools to do so with focus and joy.

Paul Jarvis also writes in a very readable and entertaining style. So you don’t need any insider knowledge to plough through this and learn to understand it. Alongside the books by Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuck, A Company of One is a requirement in my opinion for any budding entrepreneur.

A Company of One is available from Amazon.com in the following link, among others

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