A Beginner’s Guide to Introducing AI in a Conservative Company

Saying That AI is changing the way we work is an understatement. Yet, the very notion of integrating AI into the workplace can stir a pot of resistance in conservative companies, where tradition often trumps transformation. Fear not, for embarking on this journey of digital enlightenment doesn’t have to be daunting. Let’s navigate these uncharted waters together, shall we?

In my blog article about AI and the Future of Copywriting (which you can find here) I wrote about my experience with many copywriters refusing to see the writing on the wall (pardon my pun). Fellow marketers note the same trend. While on the one hand many professionals in various fields embrace AI or at least are convinced of its impact.

But on the other hand, many professionals remain on the sideline. Stating for instance that AI is going to be a fad (it’s not). Or in another example a marketing manager told me his team is not going to use AI tools like ChatGPT or Gemini yet, because they already use and pay for so many other tools like Semrush and the like.

AI is here to stay, but how do you get everybody on board?

Now, I personnally can understand the objections people have to using AI in their work. And I do think that this trend will offer both solutions but also big, big challenges. For instance, what are the ethical implications of using AI?

But realize, just as the automobile replaced horse and carriage, AI will have a gigantic impact on most jobs. So, how do start implementing AI in a conservative work enviroment? I will give a couple of tips in this article:

Be open about the posibilies that AI offers and how it works

Show your staff clearly but also easily how AI works and the opportunities it offers them

First and foremost, demystifying AI is key. AI, in its essence, is like a supercharged coworker, one that doesn’t take coffee breaks or vacations but instead focuses on making your workload lighter. Think of it as having a personal assistant that’s always on the ball, ready to analyze data, predict outcomes, and even manage routine tasks, freeing you to focus on the more creative aspects of your job.

Now, how do you introduce this futuristic ally to a company that still cherishes fax machines and physical memos? Start small. Implementing AI doesn’t mean a complete overhaul of existing systems overnight. Begin with a pilot project, something manageable that demonstrates AI’s potential benefits without intimidating the technophobes in the office.

From Fear to Fascination: Transforming Staff Perceptions on AI Together

Communication is paramount. Highlight AI’s practicality, not its complexity. Use relatable examples to show how AI can streamline operations, such as automating customer service responses or enhancing market research with predictive analytics. It’s not about replacing jobs; it’s about augmenting human capabilities and efficiency.

Anticipate resistance and have answers ready. Many fear the unknown, and AI is no exception. Address concerns with patience and facts. For instance, if job displacement fears arise, discuss how AI actually creates new opportunities for upskilling and elevating employees to more strategic roles.

Inclusivity is crucial. Involve employees in the AI integration process. Solicit their input on what tasks they believe could benefit from automation. By making them part of the solution, you’re not only easing their apprehensions but also empowering them to think innovatively.

Use workshops and online courses to get your staff acquainted with AI

Online courses, webinars and ‘old fashioned’ in person training sessions can help your staff in getting to know AI

Training and education cannot be overlooked. Offering workshops or online courses on AI basics can demystify the technology and build a more tech-savvy workforce. Remember, understanding breeds confidence.

Celebrate small victories. When the pilot project yields positive results, share them widely. Success stories are incredibly persuasive, especially for the skeptics. Demonstrating real, tangible benefits can turn doubters into believers.

Looking ahead, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation is essential. The digital transformation journey is ongoing, and staying curious, open-minded, and proactive is the best strategy to thrive in this AI-augmented era.


In conclusion, introducing AI into a conservative company is akin to planting a seed in fertile ground. It requires preparation, care, and patience. But with the right approach, the seed will eventually bloom, ushering in a new era of productivity and innovation. So, let’s embrace the future, shall we? After all, in the words of a wise person, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

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