Seth Godin This is Marketing Review: A Quick Take

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Seth Godin’s “This is Marketing” has quickly become a staple in the marketing world since its release in 2018. The book offers a refreshing perspective on the industry principles by challenging the traditional notion of advertising and focusing more on the generous, empathetic, and human-centered approach to modern marketing.

Godin, a celebrated marketer and thought leader, emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful connections with consumers and providing value in an increasingly cluttered digital landscape. With countless rave reviews and insights that are both accessible and timeless, “This is Marketing” has something valuable to offer to both marketing novices and experts alike.

Throughout the book, Godin encourages readers to see marketing as an art form rather than just an advertising tactic. By adopting this mindset, marketers can better understand their audience, create authentic connections, and ultimately foster a loyal community around their products and services. This innovative and compassionate approach has solidified “This is Marketing” as a must-read for anyone looking to make an impact in today’s competitive business environment.

This Is Marketing: Overview

In his book, This Is Marketing, Seth Godin moves away from traditional marketing principles, focusing instead on the importance of meeting the needs and desires of your target audience. The book takes a fresh approach to marketing, shifting away from mass advertising and emphasizing the need to engage and connect with customers in a more meaningful way.

The book is divided into bite-sized chapters, making it an accessible and enjoyable read. Each section offers valuable insights into different aspects of marketing, from creating compelling stories to building trust with your audience. Readers are encouraged to think differently about their marketing strategies, focusing on empathy, relevance, and providing genuine value to their customers.

Throughout This Is Marketing, Godin challenges many common misconceptions about marketing, such as the idea that it’s all about pushy sales tactics and advertising. Instead, he presents a new vision of marketing that is primarily about building lasting relationships with customers and creating positive change in the world. Godin emphasizes the importance of identifying and understanding your target audience, and crafting messages that resonate with their needs, values, and desires.

In the book, readers will find helpful examples and case studies that illustrate how these concepts can be applied in practice. By sharing stories of companies and individuals who have embraced this new approach to marketing, Godin provides readers with real-world guidance on how to implement these ideas into their own businesses.

Seth Godin: Background and Credibility

Seth Godin is a renowned marketer, author, and speaker who has significantly contributed to the marketing world. He is a member of the AMA Marketing Hall of Fame, showcasing his credibility and expertise in the field. With a career spanning over three decades, Godin has authored 18 best-selling books on marketing, including “All Marketers Are Liars” and “Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable”.

In addition to being an author, Seth Godin is the founder of altMBA, an online leadership and management workshop that aims to help professionals level up and achieve their goals. Godin’s background, combined with his numerous accolades, has positioned him as a leading figure in the marketing industry.

His book, “This Is Marketing,” stands as another testament to his expertise. In it, Godin offers a game-changing approach to marketing, sales, and advertising. Readers can expect a compact, accessible, and timeless package containing the core of his marketing wisdom. By adopting a casual tone and addressing the readers in the third person, “This Is Marketing” makes complex marketing strategies easier to grasp and apply to various business scenarios.

Key Principles and Concepts

In This is Marketing, he presents several key principles and concepts that aim to redefine marketing in today’s world. One of the main ideas discussed in the book is the shift from mass advertising to a more targeted, value-based approach.

Godin emphasizes the importance of empathy in marketing, arguing that marketers should put themselves in their customers’ shoes to understand their needs and desires. By doing this, they can create products or services that genuinely provide value to their audience, rather than just selling for the sake of making a profit.

Another essential concept Godin highlights in the book is the idea of “minimum viable audience” or MVA. With this principle, he encourages marketers to focus on catering to a smaller, more specific group of people who genuinely resonate with the company’s products or services. This will not only lead to stronger loyalty and trust from these customers but also facilitate better marketing outcomes, as opposed to trying to appeal to everyone.

One of the driving forces in today’s marketing landscape is the power of storytelling. Godin stresses the significance of crafting compelling stories that can connect with the audience and inspire them to take action. By creating emotionally engaging narratives, marketers can more effectively communicate their company’s values and develop a community of loyal customers.

Lastly, Godin promotes the idea of permission-based marketing, which entails seeking the audience’s consent before sending them promotional materials. This approach differs from traditional interruptive marketing techniques, as it fosters a more respectful relationship between marketers and customers, leading to better overall engagement and success.

Target Audience and Psychographics

Empathy and Connection

A major emphasize lies in the importance of empathy and connection with the target audience. He believes that understanding the audience’s needs, desires, and pain points is crucial to creating effective marketing strategies. By doing so, marketers can develop campaigns that resonate with the audience, build trust, and inspire loyalty.

Empathy is about walking in the shoes of your audience, understanding the problems they face, and acknowledging their emotional landscape. This approach helps create more targeted and human-centered marketing campaigns.

Connection is about building meaningful relationships with the audience through genuine communication and engagement. In the age of social media and digital marketing, it is crucial for brands to establish an emotional connection with their audience to stand out and be successful.

Engaging with the Right People

Another key aspect of marketing found in the book is engaging with the right people. This involves identifying and focusing on the target audience who are most likely to be interested in your product or service and possess the highest potential for conversion or advocacy.

  • Narrow the focus: Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, focus on a specific group of people who are more likely to connect with your message.
  • Psychographics: Understand the values, opinions, and interests of your target audience to develop content that resonates with them on a deeper level.
  • Be authentic: Genuine communication fosters trust and loyalty among the audience. Strive to establish an emotional connection by being transparent and authentic in your marketing messages.

In conclusion, Godin’s book emphasizes the power of empathy, connection, and engaging with the right people in marketing. By understanding the target audience’s psychographics and building emotional connections, marketers can create more effective and meaningful campaigns.

Building a Strong Brand Narrative

A powerful brand narrative is essential for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive market, and it requires empathy, understanding, and connection with the target audience.

One of the key concepts Godin introduces is the idea of creating a “tribe” for your brand. A tribe consists of loyal customers and followers who identify with the brand’s core values, message, and purpose. By forming a tribe, companies can foster an emotional bond with their audience, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and word-of-mouth marketing.

The book also highlights the need for marketers to adapt to changing customer tastes and expectations. It advocates for a focus on long-term value over short-term sales goals, stressing the significance of nurturing relationships with customers. Instead, marketers should strive to create a lasting impact on their audience by genuinely providing value, addressing their needs, and sharing compelling stories that resonate with them.

Finally, Seth Godin encourages a shift in marketing tactics, moving away from traditional mass advertising strategies. He advises marketers to concentrate on building deeper connections with their target audience, using targeted, permission-based methods instead of pushing products and services through intrusive ads.

By integrating these concepts, businesses can effectively build a strong brand narrative that connects with their audience, fosters loyalty and trust, and ultimately achieves long-term growth and success.

Creating Trust and Permission Marketing

Authenticity Is Crucial

Trust is a key component in building strong relationships with customers, and authenticity plays a major role in creating that trust. It’s essential for businesses to be genuine in their marketing efforts and messaging, as consumers can easily sense when a brand is being disingenuous or manipulative.

Permission marketing, as introduced by Godin in his 1999 book, is an approach where companies gain consent from their customers to receive marketing messages, rather than blasting them with unsolicited ads. This “opt-in” strategy demonstrates respect and transparency, fostering a relationship of trust between the consumer and the business.

In today’s hyper-connected world, being authentic in marketing efforts is more important than ever. Consumers have access to vast amounts of information and can quickly research products, services, and the companies behind them. A lack of authenticity can lead to lost business or permanently damage a brand’s reputation.

Some ways businesses can showcase authenticity include:

  • Transparent communication: honesty about products, services, and business practices creates a foundation for trust.
  • Personalization: tailoring marketing messages to specific interests and needs of customers makes it clear that a company cares about them.
  • Admitting mistakes: acknowledging errors and taking responsibility shows that a business is driven by integrity, not just profit.

Incorporating these tactics into marketing strategies can help brands establish trust with their customers, paving the way for long-lasting relationships built on authenticity and permission marketing.

Testing Ideas and Products with Minimum Viable Audience

Minimum Viable Audience (or MVA) is a new concept conceived by Seth. The MVA is the smallest group of people who can sustain your business, providing valuable feedback and leading to organic growth.

Godin emphasizes that focusing on your MVA allows you to tailor your marketing and product offerings to meet their specific needs and preferences. This approach helps create raving fans who, in turn, spread the word to a larger audience.

One of the key reasons to start with a minimum viable audience is to save resources. Instead of trying to reach a massive audience right away, a company can test their ideas and products with a smaller group. If the product resonates with the MVA, it’s likely to succeed as it reaches a broader market. On the other hand, if the product fails, the company can learn from the MVA’s feedback, improve the offering, and try again.

Another reason to focus on an MVA is that it helps reduce competition. By targeting a niche segment, businesses can create a strong brand presence and establish themselves as leaders in their industry. As the company grows, it can begin to expand to broader markets, already having garnered the trust and loyalty of their initial MVA.

To sum it up, Seth Godin illustrates the importance of testing ideas and products with a minimum viable audience in his book, This is Marketing. By concentrating on this small, specific audience, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and create a strong foundation for success.

The Modern Marketer: The New P’s


The original 4 P’s, that have been a staple of marketing since the 1960’s have been have been exchanged for a new meaning. The first one is Projects. In this day and age, it is crucial for marketers to focus on creating customer-oriented projects that aim at bringing value to the audience. Godin emphasizes the need to take risks, experiment, and learn from failures for sustainable marketing growth. Projects are no longer just about the product; they involve creative and innovative storytelling that resonates with the target audience.


The second P is People. Marketers need to understand the importance of establishing connections with the audience. These connections are not just transactional but rather based on trust, empathy, and understanding of the audience’s needs and desires. Building meaningful relationships will lead to loyal customers and brand advocates. Godin encourages marketers to be genuine and authentic in their communication, focusing on creating a sense of belonging among the people they are trying to reach.


Lastly, the Process is emphasized as a vital component of modern marketing. Godin stresses the need for marketers to adapt and evolve their strategies continuously. With technology advancing rapidly, the marketing landscape is changing, and companies must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools to remain competitive. Moreover, incorporating data-driven decisions and refining the marketing approach based on analytics and customer feedback is essential for success.

The modern marketer must adopt these new P’s – Projects, People, and Process – as foundations of their marketing strategy. By combining these elements, marketers can create remarkable experiences for their audience and achieve long-lasting success in the competitive world of marketing.

Key Takeaways and Applying the Lessons

One of the book’s main takeaways is that marketing is about making a promise, not just sales and advertising. Godin encourages marketers to develop a promise for their target audience by filling in the blanks: “My product is for people who believe __________.”

Generosity and empathy are also highlighted as key elements for effective marketing. In his best-selling book, Godin argues that marketers should focus on making the world better, rather than just creating noise. This means marketing efforts should be grounded in helping the target audience, understanding their needs and challenges, and offering genuine solutions.

To apply these lessons, start by identifying the beliefs your target audience holds and craft a suitable promise. For example, if your target audience values sustainability, your promise could involve minimizing your product’s environmental impact. Ensure that your marketing strategies align with this promise and reflect your audience’s values.

Another tip is to place generosity and empathy at the heart of your marketing campaigns. This could involve sharing valuable information, creating insightful content, or offering practical solutions for your audience’s problems. Remember, though, always to be genuine in your communication.

By embracing the practices Seth Godin outlines in “This is Marketing,” businesses and marketers can create compelling campaigns that resonate with their audience, leading to more significant returns on investment. Moreover, such an approach would establish trust and long-lasting relationships with customers.

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