7 great ChatGPT Promts for Copywriting

How can you use AI in your Copywriting? ChatGPT gives you the ability to generate excellent ideas and complete outlines for your texts at lightning speed. But where to start?

ChatGPT can help you generate, among other things:

  • Titles
  • Ideas for blogs and articles
  • Outline for your texts
  • And even complete texts for commercial emails, landing pages, ads, flyers, blogs and you name it!

To put ChatGPT to work effectively, you’ll need to type in targeted prompts. A prompt is a command to the AI in which you represent your request. 

An example of a ChatGPT prompt asking to write a blog about a Saas product

You want it to be as clear and straightforward as possible so that ChatGPT actually gives you the ideas and content you need.

But let’s jump right in!

Number 1: Getting an outline (or Framework)

The first thing you want to know is what kind of copywriting you can use in your text.  Do you want inform, persuade or just tell a compelling story?

Type in:

What are the kind of outlines you can use in copywriting

And you get a list of different options.

You can also use the term: Framework. So type in:

what are the frameworks you can use in copywriting

Number 2: create catchy titles at lightning speed

ChatGPT is at its best when you use it to list your ideas. And likewise with creating catchy titles for your text.

Use the following prompt:

I’m writing a [ type of text] about [ your product/service], my target audience is [type of audience]. Can you create 10 catchy titles?

In this example I wanted a couple of titles for a landingpage for a business coach, as you can see.

Number 3: Create a general outline of your text

Starting with an overall outline of your text is not a bad idea. And AI can again help you with that. Type in the following prompt:

I want to write a [ type of text] about [ type of product/service], which offers the following benefits [Benefits/USP’s] to [ type of audience]. Can you create an outline?

Again I used the Business Coaching example and got the following results.

Number 4: Use the Outline to create the actual text.

Use this outline to write the complete text. Use a [ type of tone of voice] tone of voice.

As you can see I typed in:

Use this outline to write the complete text. Use a jovial, enthousiastic tone of voice.

Number 5: create a complete text from scratch

Of course, you can also instruct ChatGPT to generate a complete text from scratch. However, you will then have to describe both clearly and comprehensively your purpose, type of text, target audience, product and tone of voice so that the AI provides you with a text that you can actually use. And not unimportantly: that is also readable. To do so, type in the following prompt:

Write me a [type of text] of [ length ] about [ type of product or service]. The aim is to [ your goal], my target audience is [ your audience]. Benefits or USP’s are [list of benefits]. Use [ tone of voice]

In this example I used the launch of a fictional new drone type ‘Speed Racer’ and typed in:

Write a Linked Post of 200 words about the new drone type ‘Speed Racer’.  My aim is to inform about the launch of this new drone type. My audience is mainly beginner drone enthusiasts. The drone ‘Speed Racer’ is a cheap, but sturdy model, perfect for beginners and can fit almost any Gopro camera. Use a friendly tone of voice.

As you can see, ChatGPT has included fun emoji’s al by itself! Not too shabby!

Number 6: use an existing text to generate titles

We have a nice text now, but we want some additional options for an appealing title. Then type in the following prompt:

Use the text above to generate 10 catchy titles

And as you see you get 10 various titles. 

Of course you can use an already written text as well. Simple copy paste the complete text and add the same sentence:

Use the text above to generate 10 catchy titles

Number 7: Use ChatGPT to research your audience beforehand

ChatGPT is at its best when used as a research tool. And this applies equally to copywriting. Sometimes you still don’t know quite what kind of text to write, what tone of voice to use, how to use USPs. Let the AI sort it out for you. Type in the following prompt:

My product is [ product or service], my target audience is [ target audience], who’s needs are [ type of needs or problems of your audience]. Can you help me with frameworks for my copywriting? I need research on my target audience, their needs, possible benefits of my product, what type of texts to use, tone of voice and (online) platforms to use.

I used a different example, namely education videogames.

My product is educational video games, my target audience is parents of middle school children , who’s needs are [ their children have slight learning problems. Can you help me with frameworks for my copywriting? I need research on my target audience, their needs, possible benefits of my product, what type of texts to use, tone of voice and (online) platforms to use.

And as you can see ChatGPT will generate a great outline I can use as a starting point in my copywriting.

Keep on experimenting with ChatGPT in your Copywriting!

With the tips I’ve given above, you can mostly do it yourself. In fact, I saw similar blog articles pass by that provided, for example, over 500 (!) tips for copywriting and ChatGPT. Whew, that’s quite a lot to plow through.

Realize that ChatGPT is first and foremost suited to help you research and experiment. So get comfortable with AI, vary the different commands you can type. And in the end, use the prompts that give you the best results in your copywriting.

Need some extra help for a specific text, though? For example, read this article on creating a good blog with ChatGPT.

This article on writing emails.

And this one on how to use ChatGPT for your LinkedIn posts.

Bonustip: Don’t forget to edit your texts as well

And finally, whatever texts you write or have AI write, don’t forget to edit them. Texts generated by AI can still come across as rather unreal or somewhat clumsy.

So proofread everything and improve where necessary. For example, read this article on how to edit texts.

And with any text, keep the following things in mind:

  • Is my target audience the focus?
  • Are all language and style errors removed?
  • Is there no overuse of keywords
  • Is it readable?
  • And most importantly: would I want to read this myself?

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