50 great ChatGPT Prompts for Affiliate Marketing

AI can be a wonderful tool in your Marketing Arsenal.  From developing and researching new ideas, competitive research, what topics to use in your content and on what platforms. And this is no different for Affiliate Marketing. Especially the most used AI Tool: ChatGPT can help you quite a bit with your Affiliate Marketing Strategies.

Whether it is at the beginning of your Affiliate path, by searching for the ideal niche and the corresponding products. Which Online and Digital Platforms are the best fit for you. And researching both the perfect target market and your competition. So that you know exactly how to reach your customers.

In this article I will show you 50 easy to use prompts you can use in ChatGPT to get you started in Affiliate Marketing. Or you can use them to improve your already existing Affiliate Strategy.

First, what is ChatGPT and what are prompts?

ChatGPT is an AI Tool developed by OpenAI. It is also called a chatbot because it resembles a chat conversation you might have online with a customer service representative of any company, for example.

You literally have a conversation with ChatGPT where through various commands you can have this AI Tool perform an almost countless number of things.

You can use ChatGPT just like Google and have it look up all kinds of knowledge. For example, just type in:

What is a cat?

But you can also use it to generate complete texts, such as web content or even entire books. Have research done for you, for example in the field of (Affiliate) marketing. In short, it is an excellent tool to increase your productivity.

And come to the prompts: a prompt in ChatGPT is the command you give it to have these things done for you.

This can be a statement, a question or a command.

To get the best results, you will need to both comprehensively and crystal clear type in your command (prompt). 

Next, a small technical warning, the free version of ChatGPT largely uses the software version: GPT-3.5.

This version gets its information from the Internet, but unfortunately up to anything posted until September 2021 at the latest. So almost 2 years back. This may mean that some information is no longer relevant or up to date.

However, purely to help you with research and brainstorming sessions, this version of ChatGPT remains a first-class tool.

The most recent version GPT-4 has more up-to-date knowledge available.

How do you use ChatGPT?

If you’ve worked with ChatGPT before and know how to get the most out of your prompts, feel free to scroll on to the list of commands.

However, if you have little or no experience with ChatGPT, here I have a brief explanation of how best to type in prompts.

First, make sure your prompt meets the following requirements:

Be as crystal clear and straightforward as possible. Remember that ChatGPT is a Chatbot and not a human, nuance and unclear language it will not always understand.

Avoid language errors. These can also cause your assignment not to be understood.

Be as brief as possible in your description. The less text, the clearer what your intent is. The more text, the more likely ChatGPT will not fully understand your assignment.

However, don’t be afraid to provide enough context. What exactly is the background of your assignment? In a competition survey, for example, you want ChatGPT to know as much as possible about both your company, your products, your ideal customer and the background of other companies in your market. Type all of this into the assignment prompt, but of course as clearly and concisely as possible and without language errors.

I imagine this all still sounds a bit abstract. That’s why I have some examples ready for you.

First, a fictional example in which I want to start Affiliate Marketing in the Drone Niche. I give the following assignment (Prompt):

I want to start in affiliate marketing in drones. Specifically drones for beginners. Where should I begin?

As you can see in my example ChatGPT as generated a general overview where to start.

Now, this was a particular short prompt if you want to get a complete strategy from ChatGPT, so let’s do this again, but this time give some more context. 

I want to start in affiliate marketing in drones. Specifically drones for beginners. I have 5 years experience flying different drones and filming wildlife with drones. I like creating and editing video’s and writing. I only have a monthly ad budget of €200,-. Where should I begin and which online platforms should I use?

ChatGPT will give another outline, but this time with some more detail. 

And the great thing is: you can follow this up by asking ChatGPT for suggestions for your content. Like this:

can you give me 10 content suggestions for this niche?

As you can see, I kept it short and concise. Remember, we’re in a conversation with ChatGPT. You’ve already given the AI Tool lot’s of information and context in your first 2 prompts, so you don’t have to elaborate, ChatGPT already knows what you’re looking for. You just keep on feeding it more prompts and info that way, until you have all the ideas, content and research you need to actually get started and do the work.

50 great ChatGPT prompts for Affiliate Marketing

Ok, enough explanation, time to actually give you 50 excellent ChatGPT Prompts you can use to get started with Affiliate Marketing.

1. How to get started with Affiliate Marketing

2. How to find a good niche as an Affiliate Marketer

3. Where to find products to promote as an Affiliate Marketer

4. What are the best platforms to find Affiliate Products you can promote?

5. Can you list the pros and cons of (Affiliate Platform)?

6. How do you find your ideal target audience as an Affiliate Marketer?

7. How do you build trust with your audience as an Affiliate Marketer?

8. What are common mistakes beginning Affiliate Marketers make and how to avoid them?

9. How do you convince the owner of an Affiliate Product or programme that you can promote their products?

10. What are the best ways to analyze your traffic and results in Affiliate Marketing?

11. What are the best ways for an Affiliate Marketer to deploy Email Marketing

12. How to create a blog for Affiliate Marketing

13. What are creative ways to promote your affiliate products via a blog?

14. Can you generate 10 blog article ideas for (topic X)

15. Can you generate 10 ideas for a title for a blog article on (topic X)

16. Can you generate 10 ideas for an Affiliate Email on (topic X)

17. Can you generate an outline for a series of 5 emails for Affiliate Marketing on (Product X), the target audience consists of (description of target audience)

18. Write a detailed blog article on (Product X) for (Target Group X) in which you give info, benefits, pros and cons.

19. Write a compelling blog article in which you compare (Product X) to (Competitor’s Product)

20. Generate 10 catchy slogan about (Product X)

21. Write a catchy intro for a blog post about (Product X)

22. Write a catchy intro for a sales email about (Product X)

23. Write a positive customer testimonial for (Product X)

24. Write an honest blog post explaining exactly how (Product X) works and who it is for

25. Write a video script in which you demonstrate (Product X), add specs, pros and cons.

26. Write a follow-up email for recipients of your first affiliate email who have not yet converted

27. Write a thank you email for new customers who purchased your Affiliate (Product X)

28. What are ways to promote your affiliate products via social media

29. What are easily applicable SEO tips for Affiliate Marketing Blogs and niche websites?

30. Can you generate 10 titles for a Facebook/Instagram/Meta Ad for an Affiliate Marketing campaign for (Product X)

31. Can you generate 10 short Ads for a Facebook/Instagram/Meta Ad campaign for (Product X)? The target audience consists of (Description Target Audience.

32. Can you generate 10 titles for a Google Ads Campaign for (Product X)? The target audience consists of (Describe Target Group)

33. Can you generate 10 short ads for a Google Ads Campaign for (Product X)? The target audience consists of (Describe target audience)

34. Can you generate 10 titles for a TikTok Advertisement for (Product X)? The target audience consists of (Description target audience)

35. Can you generate 10 short ads for a Tiktok Ad campaign for (Product X)? The Target Group consists of (Target Group Description)

36. Generate 10 appealing titles for an organic Social Media Post about (Product X)

37. Generate an engaging and informative Social Media Post about (Product X)

38. Generate 10 engaging titles for an organic LinkedIn Post about (Product X)

39. Generate an engaging and informative LinkedIn Post about (Product X), Add hashtags and Call to action.

40. Write a compelling Instagram subtitle/caption for an image of (Product X)

41. Generate a LinkedIn/Facebook Post announcing Webinar for (Product X)

42. Generate a Social Media Post for (LinkedIn/Facebook or Instagram) announcing a discount promotion for (Product X) 

43. Generate a series of 7 Social Media Post about (Product X) for a daily post for one week

44. How an Affiliate Marketer can use Influencers to promote their products

45. As an Affiliate Marketer, how and where do you find suitable Influencers to start a partnership with?

46. How to encourage up-sells and cross-sells among your audience as an Affiliate Marketer

47. How to use humour in your content as an Affiliate Marketer

48. What are effective Call to actions in your Affiliate Content, emails, ads and social media

49. How to appeal to the right emotions of your audience to convince them to purchase your product

50. How to effectively use bonuses and free gifts in Affiliate Marketing.


Well, these are 50 easy-to-use AI prompts to set you on the right path as an Affiliate Marketer. 

However, remember that as impressive as this list looks, they are mainly meant to give you a good start.

For example, use them to give you an idea of how to write compelling ad copy for Google Ads. However, don’t forget to edit the result and tighten it up where necessary.

AI tools like ChatGPT are excellent resources to help you increase your productivity, help you with your research and ideation process. But for creating complete pieces of content, you will still need to read and improve everything where needed.

If you need more detailed guides on specific points of Affiliate Marketing, here are some earlier articles that will get you on your way:

Finding the Right Niche

Keyword Research

Writing Compelling Sales Emails that Convert

SEO Tips for Beginners

Writing LinkedIn Posts

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