11 Tips on how to use ChatGPT to increase your Productivity

The layman will expect miracles from AI, such as completely taking over your workload. Or creating content from A to Z at the touch of a button. Unfortunately, it all doesn’t work that fast yet. But AI can help you excellently to increase your productivity.

Whatever your job, digital marketer, copywriter, graphic designer, blogger etc, AI will primarily help you improve your own productivity. In this blog, I will give you some excellent tips on how to specifically enable the most famous AI Tool: ChatGPT to become a content machine.

The following 11 Tips on how to use CHatGPT to increase your Productivity are:

  1. Translate Texts
  2. Write blogs and Essays
  3. Write business emails
  4. Write a Youtube Script
  5. Help you code
  6. Do keyword Research
  7. Summarize Long Texts 
  8. Use ChatGPT to do your Marketing Research
  9. A great tool to generate prompts for other AI tools
  10. Use the AIRMP Extension
  11. Do research on conventional, but hard to find topics

Translate Texts

Translating texts is now even easier with ChatGPT. Copy paste the text you want to translate and ask the AI tool to do the job. 

See the prompt below: simply use the phrase: translate the following text to ‘foreign language’

Note that a tool like Deepl.com is also excellent for this.

Write blogs and Essays

Writing a long blog or essay, but you’re pressed for time? You can make excellent use of ChatGPT for this too.

Enter your subject, length and tone of voice in the command bar and watch the tool build a readable blog for you within minutes. 

Make sure you create a blog that is factually correct and does not come across as written by a computer (AI). See this article on how to write a high-quality essay/blog on any subject in just a few steps. 

And use a free tool like writer.com’s content checker to check if your blog needs an extra human touch.

Write business emails

Just like writing blogs/essays, you can also write a Business Email just fine with ChatGPT.

Beforehand, I would advise you to consider the following points:

  • To whom are you addressing the email? A Manager, customer, user or potential lead?
  • What kind of company or industry are you writing to? IT, fashion, industry, suppliers etc?
  • What is their biggest pain point or need?
  • What exactly does your product/service do? And more importantly, how does it solve your customer’s pain?
  • And what tone of voice should you use? Friendly and polite? Or just jovial and easy-going? 

Work these points into the instruction (prompt) you provide to ChatGPT and you will have a professional email in no time.

In the example here I used the following prompt:

Write a business email by a Saas company to IT managers who’s biggest concern in upgrading to new Saas is a disruption in the legacy systems. The solution is that there is no disruption and the IT manager will spare time and money in the process. Use a friendly, polite tone of voice.

Off course you can elaborate as much as needed, but as you can see a pretty impressive Business Email  has been written by the AI Tool.

You can find a more detailed guide on how to write converting Sales Emails here.

Write a Youtube Script

 For 1 of my YouTube channels, I always wrote fairly elaborate scripts in advance. On the one hand, this ensured that the quality of the videos was quite high, as I knew what I was talking about. But on the other hand, it did take quite a lot of time.

Here too, you can save a huge amount of time. ChatGPT is perfect for helping you write a great Youtube script as well. In the command bar, type a clear description of what your video is about, how long and in what tone of voice, and voila! You have a script.

See this example on how to study more effectively. You can customize the prompt where necessary.

Help you code

Need a simple piece of code? AI lends a helping hand. ChatGPT has information on almost any programming language.

Small programmes and apps are fine to build with AI. But for larger, more complicated software, it is especially advisable to have small snippets of code written via ChatGPT.

Or have small snippets of code checked in which there is an error that you could not immediately find with the naked eye yourself.

A handy extension like AIPRM can also help you with your code.

Do keyword Research

It is at Keyword Research where ChatGPT really shines.

On every topic and niche, you can find suitable keywords with which your content will be found by Search Engines with ease.

For example, you can simply use the following prompt:

Give me 10 keywords with high search volume and low competition for the topic ‘drones for beginners’

Want to know more about how to use ChatGPT for Keyword Research? Read this blog.

And you can also use the AIPRM extension very well here.

Summarize Long Texts 

Likewise, ChatGPT and similar AI Tools can help you summarise and analyse long and/or complicated pieces of text.

Just like translating, you copy paste the complete text you want to summarise into the command bar. And while doing so, ask it to summarise the text to the main points.

For example, I asked here to summarise the complete text of my ‘Marketing Tips for Beginners’. And this is the result.

Use ChatGPT to do your Marketing Research

Creating a Complete Marketing Strategy from A to Z  with an AI Tool also goes a lot faster.

However, the right questions will have to be somewhat known to you already and you will have to go through the different steps of your marketing research point by point. ChatGPT is an excellent tool, but for this you will need a bit of creativity.

Note down in advance, for example:

  • – what service/product do you provide 
  • who is your ideal customer
  • – what is his pain and need
  • – how do you solve that pain/need
  • – how does your product work
  • – where is your customer likely to be found
  • – who are the DMUs (in B2B)
  • – Which social media channels should you use?
  • – What budget do you have available
  • – And who would you prefer not to do business with?
  • Or what your Personal Brand is

In your prompts to ChatGPT, you will build your Marketing Research based on these points.

A great tool to generate prompts for other AI tools

ChatGPT is, of course, not the only AI tool out there. You have Midjourney AI, among others, which allows you to create images. Jasper, a paid variant/competitor of ChatGPT that is great for writing blogs. And Google itself, of course, is an AI Tool.

You can use ChatGPT’s prompt bar just fine to generate commands that you can also use in other tools. Such as in this example for the Image Rendering Tool Midjourney AI: 

Use the AIRMP Extension

All of the tabove tips are great for increasing your productivity. But what if there’s a nifty tool that combines almost every prompt there is. So you whatever your task, you can easily and speedily start out.

For that you have the AIRMP Extention. A handy tool that you install into your browser. After that, just reload you ChatGPT tab (or screen) and you can start with almost any assignment.

Be it:

  •  Keyword Research
  • Writing a blog or script
  • Generating Prompts for MidJourney
  • Coding in every program Language
  • And much much more

Do research on conventional, but hard to find topics

Finally, we come to the last tip: researching conventional, but hard to find topics. What do I mean by that? Well, for example: a friend of mine had to research some information on specific stock trends and numbers on certain companies in the 1980’s for a book.

Using Google he could have found these numbers, but it would have taken him at least 45 minutes.

With ChatGPT he only took a couple of minutes to get these numbers. And you can as well. As you can see, you have to be a little creative in your prompt, otherwise ChatGPT will moan about not having acces to current data. While you’re asking about historical data

Maximizing ChatGPT for Enhanced Productivity

In today’s fast-paced digital world, leveraging the capabilities of AI tools like ChatGPT is key to boosting efficiency and productivity. ChatGPT, with its advanced natural language processing abilities, offers a diverse range of applications – from drafting emails to generating creative content ideas. To maximize its utility, it’s important to tailor your prompts specifically and clearly, aligning them with your exact needs.

This includes using detailed descriptions and context to get the most relevant and accurate responses. Additionally, integrating ChatGPT into your daily workflow can significantly reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more complex and creative aspects of your work. Remember, the effectiveness of ChatGPT hinges not just on its technology, but also on how skillfully you harness its potential. By mastering the art of precise querying and exploring its wide array of functionalities, you can transform ChatGPT into an indispensable tool that elevates your productivity to new heights.


Here you have it: 11 tips to increase your productivity using ChatGPT. Now, while this AI Tool is excellent for researching, generating tons of content, coding or helping you write  lead generating marketing copy, there are however a couple of caveats.

The content that is created through AI may come across as not entirely human. Meaning, it looks or reads like it was created by a bot and not by a real, life, human person. So make sure your content looks and feels real. You can use a website like Writer.com to check for that.

Next to that, the information on ChatGPT and like minded AI Tools isn’t always factual correct. This is mainly caused by GTP3, the most used version of Open.ai at the moment. Most of the online databases used for offering you content is from before 2021.

GTP4, the latest AI version, fixes that. If you’re using that version you should have the most recent actual, and factual information in the world at your fingertips.

Bonus Tip: use ChatGPT to create a weekly schedule

And one final tip: you can ask ChatGPT to help you create a weekly schedule. Whether you’re a chaotic type of person (like me) or more organized, you can make it as detailed as you want.

Read this article for help on that.

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